The Development of Innovation Leadership for Local Government Leaders in the Northeast Region of Thailand
Organization Climate, Emotional Quotient, Depth Knowledge, Creativity, Innovative Leadership, Local GovernmentAbstract
Background and Aims: Innovation is the capacity to create new things that can lead to success or have a variety of positive effects on the organization, resulting in a higher level of competitiveness. It is the ability to use knowledge, creativity from technological skills and experience, and management. Thus, this research aims to investigate 1) the level of organizational climate, emotional quotient, depth of knowledge, and creativity of local government leaders in the northeast region of Thailand and 2) the level of innovative leadership of local government leaders in the northeast region of Thailand, 3) Factors affecting innovative leadership of local government leaders in the northeast region of Thailand, and 4) develop the characteristics of innovative leadership of local government leaders in the northeast region of Thailand.
Methodology: This research employed a qualitative research methodology, involving 10 leaders or managers working in local government organizations in the northeastern region with a focus on units that have received awards for organizational innovation. Additionally, a quantitative research methodology was employed, with 706 questionnaires responded to by leaders or managers working in local government organizations in the northeastern region. Descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were conducted using a statistical package program for data analysis.
Results: The results showed that 1) the level of agreement among the respondents regarding variables aligned with the conceptual framework was consistently high. The highest importance was attributed to organization climate, followed by emotional quotient, creativity, innovative leadership, and depth of knowledge. The analysis of factors affecting the innovative leadership of local government leaders in the northeast region of Thailand found that the organization climate and creativity significantly influence the innovative leadership of local government administrators.
Conclusion: This finding is statistically significant at the 0.05 level. However, emotional quotient and depth of knowledge do not significantly impact the innovative leadership of local government administrators, with statistically significant observed at the 0.05 level. Based on the findings, the development guidelines for fostering innovative leadership among local government leaders in the northeast region of Thailand suggest that innovative leadership should possess a visionary mindset, be attentive to opportunities for innovation, and possess skills in creative thinking and innovation generation. They should demonstrate the ability to think and act innovatively and play a role in creating an organizational climate that stimulates, promotes, and facilitates efficient and effective work performance among staff.
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