Administration Based on Good Government Principles of Tai That Phanom Sub-District Municipality in That Phanom District, Nakhon Phanom Province
Keywords: Administration, Good Governance Principles, Sub-district MunicipalityAbstract
Background and Aims: The administration of a sub-district municipality based on good governance is vital for ensuring transparency and accountability. It fosters community trust and promotes sustainable and equitable local development. This research aimed to study administration by good governance in the South That Phanom subdistrict and compare administration with good governance of South That Phanom. This research was developed as a quantitative study.
Methodology: The sample consisted of 374 people, the sample size used the method of Taro Yamane and simple random sampling by using a questionnaire and interviews. The statistical tools for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. T-test, F-test, and content validity had a reliability of 0.83. In the case of it found differences, it used the test of Least- Significant Difference.
Results: The finding revealed that (1) administration by good governance in people of south Phanom’s attitudes were overall ranked high. When considering each side, it was found that each side was high. The average sort descending order as follows: rule of law, morality, principle, responsibility, participation, and accountability. (2) when comparing the level of people’s attitudes in the south That Phanom found that the gender difference was not significantly different. However, people of different ages, careers, educations, and average income per month had a significant difference in attitudes at the 0.05 level.
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