Guidelines for Application Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 2
Artificial Intelligence, Application of Artificial Intelligence in EducationAbstract
Background and Aims: Education management is a crucial process in developing students' quality and skills for the 21st century, responding to the changes in the digital era. Digital technology in education enhances management efficiency for teachers, students, and educational institutions. Artificial intelligence (AI) is another technology that can elevate the quality of education by improving teaching processes and various administrative tasks in schools. This research aims to 1) study the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in education under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Bangkok 2, and 2) analyze and propose guidelines for applying artificial intelligence (AI) in education under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Bangkok 2.
Methodology: The researcher used an in-depth interview method with 6 key informants, including 1) experts in artificial intelligence, 2) educational supervisors, 3) school administrators, and 4) teachers. The researcher used purposive sampling. The researcher interviewed the informants until the data were saturated, with no new questions or information emerging.
Results: The research results showed; (1) the Application of artificial intelligence (AI) in education including 1) the potential of artificial intelligence in education, including facilitating and increasing work efficiency, improving teaching processes, and promoting learning and developing students' potential; 2) the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in education Can be divided into 2 areas: 1) the application of artificial intelligence in teaching and learning, consisting of designing learning activities, organizing learning activities, creating learning media, measuring and evaluating, analyzing individual learners, and special AI classrooms and 2) the application of in school management, consisting of applying artificial intelligence in the school time attendance system, student care system, workforce planning, quality assurance system, document management system, and budget management. (2) The guidelines application of artificial intelligence (AI) in education including 1) preparing for the application of artificial intelligence in education, including preparing for policy setting, preparing personnel, preparing data, and preparing technology; and 2) considerations for the application of artificial intelligence in education, including the budget for applying artificial intelligence, having ethics in applying artificial intelligence, privacy, and data security, the scope of applying artificial intelligence, limitations in the work of artificial intelligence, and the value of applying artificial intelligence.
Conclusion: The research results showed; 1. application of artificial intelligence (AI) in education including 1) the potential of artificial intelligence in education, including facilitating and increasing work efficiency, improving teaching processes, and promoting learning and developing students' potential; 2) the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in education Can be divided into 2 areas: 1) the application of artificial intelligence in teaching and learning, consisting of designing learning activities, organizing learning activities, creating learning media, measuring and evaluating, analyzing individual learners, and special AI classrooms and 2) the application of in school management, consisting of applying artificial intelligence in the school time attendance system, student care system, workforce planning, quality assurance system, document management system, and budget management and 2. The guidelines application of artificial intelligence (AI) in education include 1) preparing for the application of artificial intelligence in education, including preparing for policy setting, preparing personnel, preparing data, and preparing technology; and 2) considerations for the application of artificial intelligence in education, including the budget for applying artificial intelligence, having ethics in applying artificial intelligence, privacy and data security, the scope of applying artificial intelligence, limitations in the work of artificial intelligence, and the value of applying artificial intelligence.
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