The Development of Students’ Higher-Order Thinking Competencies in Problem-Solving Mathematics Classrooms through an Open Approach
Mathematical Thinking, Higher-Order Thinking, Mathematical Problem SolvingAbstract
Background and Aims: The development of students’ higher-order thinking competencies. It is absolutely essential to the nation’s progress. Particularly in the context of elementary education, which forms the core of human resource development. The objective of this research was to develop the students’ higher-order thinking competencies in mathematics classrooms that emphasize problem-solving approaches through an open approach.
Methodology: The target group was 42 of the first-grade students from two schools in Phuket province. Ethnographic research was used as the qualitative methodology. Data were gathered in the Thailand Lesson Study incorporated with an Open Approach (TLSOA) setting during the first semester of, the 2023 academic year. Data were protocol, post-lesson notes, images, and students’ worksheets comprise the data. Protocol and descriptive analysis were used to assess the data, which were then divided into two categories: 1) the student’s mathematical ideas were examined, and 2) the progression of the ideas from the students’ mathematical ideas to mathematical thinking was examined.
Results: The result revealed that students’ mathematical ideas included ideas of sets, ideas of representation, the idea of operation, the idea of algorithms, and the idea of expression. In addition, an examination of the students’ thought processes on their ideas revealed that they were aware of their ideas and summarized these ideas to learn how to learn together.
Conclusion: Students’ higher-order thinking competencies were improved through teaching through problem-solving by Open Approach, they could solved the problems by themselves. Moreover, they aware of their ideas through discussion and comparison with others, and synthesize them into learning how to learn.
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