Game-Based Learning (GBL) Management to Acquire Academic Achievement and Creative Thinking on Land and Water of Grade 8 Students
Game-Based Learning, Learning Achievement, Creative Thinking Learning AchievementAbstract
Background and Aims: Game-Based Learning It is a teaching method that uses games as a tool for organizing activities to enable students to learn according to the specified objectives. Stimulate interest in the lesson and make students excited, challenged, and fun. Create motivation for students to want to learn on their own and make students more involved in learning activities. This research aimed to achieve two objectives 1) to compare academic achievement on Land and Water with the criteria of 70 percent and 2) to study creative thinking of grade 8 students after the game-based learning on Land and Water.
Methodology: The sample group was a classroom of forty-three grade 8 students in the academic year 2023 from cluster random sampling. Research instruments composed of 1) the four multiple choices, 25 items of learning achievement test on Land and Water for grade 8 students Items have a precision value between 0.67-1.00, a difficulty value between 0.23-0.70, a discriminatory power value between 0.18-0.66, and a confidence value for the entire document at 0.91 and 2) the activity creativity test for grade 8 students consisted of 4 activities with 4 aspects; Originality, Fluency, Flexibility and Elaboration It is appropriate at a very appropriate level. The discriminatory value is between 0.43-0.50 the difficulty value is between 0.40-0.53 confidence value for the entire model is (Cronbach alpha) equal to 0.99. Data analysis statistics were mean, standard deviation, and one sample t-test.
Results: The research found that; the students had an academic achievement of 75 percent after Game-based Learning statistically higher than the 70 percent criteria at the .05 significant level. The students had creative thinking after the Game-Based Learning overall at a high level. They responded with their Originality Thinking, Flexibility Thinking, Fluency Thinking, and Elaboration Thinking, at high levels, respectively.
Conclusion: 1) The students had academic achievement after the Game-based Learning statistically higher than the 70 percent criteria at the .05 significant level and 2) the students had creative thinking after the Game-Based Learning in every aspect at the high level.
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