The Development of the Health Promotion Network in Phra Phutthabat District, Saraburi Province
Network Development, Health Promotion, ElderlyAbstract
Background and Aims: Thai society has transitioned into an aging society. Therefore, all sectors must focus on the development of activities as well as networking for the elderly to do activities together. This study was consequently objective to study the creation of a health promotion network for the elderly, Phra Phutthabat District, Saraburi Province, Saraburi Province.
Methodology: The study included a sample of 98 elderly individuals residing in Phra Phutthabat Municipality, Phra Phutthabat District for the respondent. Additionally, there were 15 key informants, consisting of 5 chairmen and directors from the Phra Phutthabat District Senior Citizens Club, 5 community leaders, and 5 health village volunteers for small group discussions.
Results: The research findings indicate that the Health Promotion Network for the Elderly in Phra Phutthabat District, Saraburi Province, is a collective formed by retired civil servants, community businessmen, and farmers. They collaborate to plan and execute activities, extending the network to include local government agencies. Internal aspects encompass robust club management. Explicit regulations are established. External influences encompass the presence of both public and private agencies in the vicinity, which contribute to providing support. Regarding the inquiry results: 1) The aspect that was assessed was the level of satisfaction with the club's activities. 2) The conduct of individuals who engaged in the activities of the elderly club and 3) The extent of societal advantages derived from their participation in the elderly club activities in Phra Phutthabat district, Saraburi province, were determined to be high overall.
Conclusion: Establishing a network for community engagement and promoting health among the elderly population. It has the potential to increase public health consciousness. Evidence demonstrates that the network established by the Senior Citizens Club in Phra Phutthabat District, Saraburi Province can enhance the well-being of the old, hence improving their overall quality of life.
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