Development of Digital Literacy Evaluation Model for Tourism Management of Undergraduate Students
Digital Literacy, Digital Literacy Evaluation Model, Tourism Management of Undergraduate StudentsAbstract
Background and Aims: The digital economy, digital transformation of tourism enterprises, and new forms of employment have created new demands for the study and future career development of tourism management among undergraduate students. The digital literacy level of these students directly impacts their future employment opportunities, skill development, and even the pace of digital development in tourism professional education. The objectives of this research are 1) to extract the components of digital literacy in the tourism management of undergraduate students and 2) to develop a digital literacy evaluation model for the tourism management of undergraduate students.
Methodology: The research reviews relevant theoretical concepts, including digital literacy and information literacy. The processes in this research are as follows: 1) reviewing the theoretical basis of the study 2) defining related concepts such as digital literacy, information literacy, etc. Reviewed research on the digital literacy for tourism management of undergraduate students, providing a theoretical and practical foundation for this paper's research. 2) To take 1,308 tourism management undergraduate students in China as the survey subjects, the current status of their digital literacy was investigated. To analyze the survey results and extract the components of digital literacy among tourism management undergraduate students. 3) We selected 21 experts, used the Delphi method to determine the components of the digital literacy evaluation model, and then used the network analysis method to determine the weight of each component. Finally, we designed a digital literacy evaluation model that is suitable for undergraduate students studying tourism management. Results: The study's results indicate that the model clearly demonstrates the relationships and relative importance of the components of tourism management for undergraduate students. Teachers can effectively use this model to assess students' digital literacy levels and provide them with personalized support and guidance. Students can use this model to improve their digital literacy levels and adapt to the digital age's development sequentially and purposefully.
Conclusion: The model clearly shows how tourist management instructional features are weighted. Teachers can measure students' digital literacy with this strategy. Students' digital tourist management skills are improving as teachers customize aid and advise. This method could streamline and personalize education to better prepare students for tourism.
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