Factors Related to Participation in Road Accident Prevention Operations of Village Health Volunteers, Muang District, Udonthani Province
Health Literacy, Road Accident Prevention Operations, Village Health VolunteersAbstract
Background and Objectives: Through practical training and experience, village health volunteers can participate in road accident prevention operations and effectively handle a variety of conditions, which benefits both the public and themselves. This study aims (1) to investigate the degree of involvement of village public health volunteers in Mueang District, Udon Thani Province. (2) To assess the health literacy of village public health volunteers in Mueang District, Udon Thani Province, about road accident prevention initiatives. (3) Researching the variables associated with involvement in traffic accident-avoidance initiatives. Village health volunteers' involvement in road accident prevention initiatives in Mueang District, Udon Thani, is influenced by several factors.
Research Method: Using stratified random sampling, 375 village health volunteers made up the sample. Three experts verified the content validity of the questionnaire used to collect the data. The instrument's overall confidence value was 0.95, and the IOC was 0.93. In 2023, information was gathered from June to September. With the use of descriptive statistics, data were examined. and inferential statistics with a significance level of 0.05 for Multiple Logistics Regression.
Results: Overall, the Village health volunteers' health knowledge about road accident prevention operations was 45.60 percent, with the most common knowledge being in the area of inquiry at 49.87 percent and excellent understanding at 48.86 percent. 49.33 percent, 48.87 percent for application, 45.53 percent for understanding, and 42.13 percent for decision-making, respectively. The participation of the sample group in initiatives aimed at preventing traffic accidents. The highest percentage of participation was 74.40 percent for receiving benefits, followed by 73.87 percent for decision-making, 70.67 percent for planning, and 62.93 percent for operations. The overall level of participation was high at 63.20 percent. Three factors were identified as being associated with village health volunteers' involvement in road accident prevention initiatives: decision-making, inquiry, and accessibility.
Conclusion: The Village health volunteers understood the topic of road accident prevention to a moderate degree, scoring the highest 49.87 percent of the total points. As these factors have a significant impact on their participation in prevention initiatives, it is advised that they concentrate on improving their decision-making skills and information accessibility to maximize their effectiveness.
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