Competencies of Modern Accountants Affect Financial Report Quality for Accountants in SMEs Focusing on Medium Manufacturing Enterprise in Thailand
Competency of Modern Accountant, Quality of Accounting Report, Manufacturing EnterpriseAbstract
Background and Aims: Nowadays, many organizations are facing a quick-change business environment Organizations have to find their way to adapt to the new circumstances. To survive and grow through the pandemic, one of the most essential business information is accounting information The purpose of this research is to study how the competencies of modern accountants affect financial report quality from accountants in SMEs focusing on medium manufacturing enterprises in Thailand.
Methodology: Collect data from Accounting officers in SMEs and manufacturing groups in Thailand 157 people who are accounting officers in SMEs and manufacturing groups in Thailand. Data were analyzed by using statistics including t-test, F-test (ANOVA and MANOVA), multiple correlation analysis, simple regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis.
Results: 1) competencies of modern accountants about knowledge of accounting and taxation have no relationship and positive impact on financial report quality 2) competencies of modern accountants about strategy planning and performance have no relationship and positive impact on financial report quality 3) competencies of modern accountants about reporting and control has a positive relationship and impact on financial report quality 4) competencies of modern accountants about adaptive skill for the digital age has a positive relationship and impact on financial report quality 5) competencies of modern accountants about professional ethics has a positive relationship and impact on financial report quality.
Conclusion: The competencies of modern accountants about reporting and control, adaptive skills for the digital age, and professional ethics have a positive relationship and impact on financial report quality. Accountants should participate in accounting professional training and develop skills, knowledge, and characteristics related to the accounting professional. In addition, accountants must be aware of and apply information technology as a tool for operations will be operation more efficient.
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