Leadership Characteristics of School Administrators Affecting Teacher Performance Motivation Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 1
Characteristics of educational institution administrators, MotivationAbstract
Background and Aims: Leaders of every organization must have leadership qualities, which are good characteristics that are inherent in leaders that can be learned from accumulated experiences through training and developed to be good leaders. Activities of various groups Whether they will be successful or not depends largely on the leader. The purposes of this research are 1) to study the leadership characteristics of educational institution administrators 2) to study the motivation for teachers' work performance 3) to study the relationship between the leadership characteristics of educational institution administrators and the motivation for teachers' work performance. and 4) to study the leadership characteristics of school administrators that affect teachers' work motivation Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 1.
Methodology: This research is survey research. Population and sample The sample group included school administrators and teachers under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1. The sample size was determined using Krejcie and Morgan tables, resulting in 354 people. The sample was sampled using stratified random sampling. according to school size, the tool used is a questionnaire. It is characterized by a scale of estimation. with a consistency index of 1.00 for every item with a confidence value of 0.968. Basic statistics used include percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Statistics used to test the hypothesis include Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, and Stepwise Multiple Regression.
Results: 1) Leadership characteristics of educational institution administrators Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 1, the overall level is at a high level. 2) Teachers' motivation for their work. Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1, the overall level is at a high level. 3) The leadership characteristics of school administrators (X) and teachers' work motivation (Y) have a high positive relationship (rXY=0.736) with statistical significance at the .01 level. When considering the relationship between the leadership characteristics of school administrators (X) and teachers' work motivation (Y) as individual variables, it was found that there was a relationship. Plus, there is statistical significance at the .01 level for all variables, with 1 variable having a high positive relationship and a moderate level for 4 variables (r = 0.630-0.712). 4) The variable with the best predictive power is good relationships with co-workers Management ability and self-confidence They can jointly predict teachers' motivation for their work. Under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 1, 32.00%.
Conclusion: Leadership characteristics of school administrators and teachers' performance motivation Overall it is at a high level. There is a high level. The variable with the best predictive power is good relationships with co-workers. Forecast regression coefficient Management ability with the regression coefficient of the forecast. and self-confidence Together they were able to predict teachers' work motivation.
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