Innovative Leadership of School Administrators Affecting Educational Innovator of Teachers under the Office of Bangkok Secondary Education Service Area 2
Innovative Leadership,, Educational Innovator, , TeacherAbstract
Background and Aims: Educational quality development focuses on using innovation to develop educational quality. Teachers are important in the teaching and learning system. Creating creative ideas, learning, practicing, and transferring innovations are things that today's teachers must learn more about to develop themselves and develop their teaching processes. If teachers are educational innovators having the ability to apply innovation in teaching and learning, it will be able to raise the level of education and effectively increase the innovation potential of students. Therefore, school administrators must promote a working atmosphere that is conducive to innovation. At the same time, innovative ideas can be used to help solve problems and create various innovations in schools. The purposes of this research are as follows: (1) to study the level of innovative leadership among school administrators; (2) to study the educational level of the innovative teachers; (3) to study the relationship between the innovative leadership of the school administrators and the educational innovator of teachers; and (4) to study innovative leadership of school administrators affecting the educational innovator teachers.
Methodology: The samples in this research were 361 teachers under the authority of the Office of Bangkok Secondary Education Service, Area Two. The instrument used in the research was a five-point estimation scale questionnaire with an IOC Conformity Index between 0.60-1.00, and a confidence value of 0.99. The analysis of the data usage included mean and standard deviation and the hypothesis testing used the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and Multiple Regression Analysis-Enter Method.
Conclusion: The research results were as follows: (1) the overall innovative leadership of the school administrators were at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found to be at a high level in all aspects; (2) educational innovator teachers as a whole were at a high level and when considering each aspect, it was found to be at a high level in all aspects; (3) the innovative leadership of school administrators was related to the educational innovation of teachers. It was statistically significant at a level of 0.001, and with a correlation coefficient (r) = 0.712; (4) the innovative leadership of school administrators could also predict the educational innovation of teachers. The innovative leadership of school administrators in all aspects predicted 52.70% of the educational innovators of teachers.
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