Causal Factors in the Implementation of Policies for the Elderly by Municipalities in Nakhon Chai Burin
Policy Implementation, Elderly People's Policy, Causal Factors, Nakhon Chai Burin Provincial GroupAbstract
Background and Aims: In a community where the geriatric population is growing at a rapid rate. The development of an excellent quality of life for the elderly is largely dependent on policies about their needs. However, for the policy to be implemented to truly work, several factors must be taken into account and comprehended. Thus, this research aims to investigate (1) the effectiveness level of the implementation of policies for the elderly by municipalities in Nakhon Chai Burin (2) the level of factors that influence the implementation of policies for the elderly by municipalities in Nakhon Chai Burin and (3) the effect of causal factors in the implementation of policies for elderly by municipalities in Nakhon Chai Burin.
Methodology: This research used a quantitative approach. The study was conducted by studying a sample group consisting of 504 personnel who are involved in the implementation of policies for the elderly by municipalities in Nakhon Chai Burin. The data were collected using questionnaires. The statistics employed in the research are frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Model (SEM).
Results: The results showed that (1) the sample group places importance on the variables in the conceptual framework. The highest importance was given to attitude towards policies for the elderly followed by leadership and cooperation and politics and external environment management. The opinions were found to be at a very high level. Regarding organization competency and the results of policy implementation, a high level was observed. (2) analysis of the effect of causal factors in the implementation of policies for the elderly by municipalities in Nakhon Chai Burin shows that organization competency has a direct positive impact on leadership and cooperation with a 0.05 statistical significance level. Furthermore, organization competency has a direct positive impact on the results of policy implementation with a 0.05 statistical significance level, and organization competency has an indirect positive impact on the results of policy implementation through leadership and cooperation with a 0.05 statistical significance level. Additionally, politics and external environment management have a direct positive impact on attitudes toward policies for the elderly with a 0.001 statistical significance level. However, politics and external environment management have no significant impact on the results of policy implementation. The results of the analysis also revealed that politics and external environment management have an indirect positive impact on the results of policy implementation through attitude towards policies for the elderly with a 0.05 statistical significance level. Moreover, leadership and cooperation directly affect the results of policy implementation with a 0.05 statistical significance level, and attitude towards policies for the elderly have a direct positive impact on the results of policy implementation with a 0.05 statistical significance level. Leadership and cooperation can explain 86.0 percent of the variation in the results of policy implementation, while attitude towards policies for the elderly can explain 85.0 percent of the variation in the results of policy implementation. The model of causal factors in the implementation of policies for the elderly by municipalities in Nakhon Chai Burin corresponds to the empirical data at a very good level (Chi-square/df=0.821, P-value=0.789, RMSEA=0.000, GFI=0.990, CFI=1.000, AGFI=0.970).
Conclusion: The study shows that organization competency, through cooperation, leadership, and attitude toward these policies, influences the effective implementation of policies for the elderly both directly and indirectly. These attitudes are also influenced by politics and management of the external environment, which in turn influences the results of policy implementation.
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