The Transition to Industry 5.0 and Analysis of Government Promotion Policies for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Thailand
Industry 5.0, Government Promotion Policies for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in ThailandAbstract
Background and Aims: The transition to Industry 5.0 is affecting government policies around the world. In 2018, the Thai government announced the Thailand 4.0 policy. Currently, 3 government agencies have accelerated the promotion and development of entrepreneurs to support the transition along with the development of innovation. Including the Thailand Productivity Institute (TIP), National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), and National Innovation Agency (NIA) when considering and analyzing the policies.
Methodology: Methodology: This study is a study of related documents and research. Analyze and present according to the educational objectives.
Results: it was found that (1) TIP should accelerate the creation of entrepreneurs at level 3.0-4.0 to be used as a connector for industry 4.0-5.0 which is foreign capital with Thai entrepreneurs, most of whom are still at 2.0-3.0 level to reduce boundaries and create balance. (2) NSTDA should adjust and combine the dimensions used to consider industrial readiness in Industry 4.0 from 6 to 3 dimensions, together with adding all dimensions of coordination and integration, for a total of 4 dimensions to be consistent with the industry factor dimensions. In the industry 5.0. (3) NIA should add prioritization techniques so that actual practice is specific to the context of each organization. Because the 10 types of innovation are interrelated. Developing the most innovative partner network first will allow other innovations such as profit models to develop automatically and quickly.
Conclusion: When considering the entrepreneurial side, it was found that during the beginning of the practice, there would be obstacles. This is because it is a multi-objective operational problem. Therefore, we propose the theory of Operations Management (OM) together with Quality Function Deployment (QFD) techniques for transforming duties to improve the process. as a tool to solve this multi-objective operational problem.
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