Administrative Skills of School Administrators under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi
Administrative Skills; , School Administrators; , Secondary Educational Service Area Office SuphanburiAbstract
Background and Aims: Administrative skills refer to the ability of school administrators to effectively set work directions, drive operations to achieve goals, and manage human resources and other factors through a systematic administrative process. The objectives of this research were 1) to study the administrative skills of school administrators under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi, and 2) to compare the opinions of teachers on the administrative skills of school administrators under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi, classified by gender, education level, work experience, and school size. Methodology: The sample consisted of 313 teachers under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi using stratified random sampling according to school size. The research instrument was a questionnaire with a content validity, IOC valves between .67-1.00, and a reliability valve of .96. The data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and LSD.
Results: The results of the research were as follows: 1) the administrative skills of school administrators under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi were at a high level in overall, and particular aspects, ranking from the highest to the lowest mean: Technological Skills, Vision Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Teamwork Skills, Analytical thinking and creative thinking Skills, and Communication Skills, and 2) the opinions of teachers on the administrative skills of school administrators under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi classified by work experience and school size were not different in overall, while the differential gender, and educational level were statistically significant at the level of .01 and .05.
Conclusion: The research results indicated the Administrative Skills of School Administrators, in overall and particular aspects. The highest mean was “Technological Skills”, and the lowest mean was“Communication Skills”, while teachers' opinions classified by the differential work experience and school size were not different.
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