Organizing Situational Storytelling Activities to Promote Problem-Solving Abilities of Early Young Children
Storytelling Activity; , Problem Solving Ability; , Early ChildhoodAbstract
Background and Aims: Engaging children in imaginative storytelling activities is crucial for enhancing their problem-solving skills. It allows them to think critically and make decisions while overcoming obstacles. Children gain emotional intelligence through storytelling as well because it helps them to understand different points of view and develop empathy for characters. By incorporating problem-solving components into these exercises, educators can establish dynamic learning environments that will serve as a solid basis for children's future cognitive abilities. Thus, this research aimed to compare young children's problem-solving abilities before and after organizing situational story activities and the problem-solving abilities of early childhood children after organizing situational story activities.
Methodology: The target group used in this research is early childhood children aged 5 - 6 years, Maha Sarakham Rajabhat University Demonstration School, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province. Under the Office of the Higher Education Commission, for the academic year 2023, 18 people were obtained from purposive selection. The tools used in this research include a situation storytelling activity plan and an assessment of early childhood children's problem-solving abilities in 3 areas: problem identification In terms of creating options and problem-solving Using a Pre-Experimental Design, the statistics used to analyze the data were the average. standard deviation and percentage of progress
Results: The research results found that The average problem-solving ability of early childhood children after organizing the Situation Storytelling activity had a value = 28.44, a value = 1.82, higher than before organizing the Situation Storytelling activity, which had a value = 19.50, a value = 4.97, with a percentage of progress equal to 42.73.
Conclusion: Putting together situational storytelling exercises improves early childhood problem-solving skills by an average of 42.73%. This indicates how well these kinds of activities foster cognitive development and get kids ready for new challenges down the road.
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