Personal Factors of Tap Water Users that Affect the Services Provided by the Provincial Waterworks Authority, Phayakkhaphum Phisai Branch Maha Sarakham Province




Personal factors; , Service Provider;, Tap Water Users; , Provincial Waterworks Authority


Background and Aims: According to the Provincial Waterworks Authority Act of 1979, the Provincial Waterworks Authority is an organization that supplies tap water services while prioritizing public health and the welfare of the state. To continue developing high-quality services, this piqued the researcher's interest in researching the individual characteristics of tap water users that impact the services rendered by the Provincial Waterworks Authority, Phayakkhaphum Phisai Branch Maha Sarakham Province. This research The objective is to study (1) Level of personal factors of tap water users in the provision of waterworks services, (2) Waterworks service level, (3) Personal factors of tap water users that affect service delivery, and (4) Suggestions to improve and develop the services of the Provincial Waterworks Authority, Phayakkhaphum Phisai Branch. Maha Sarakham Province.

Methodology: The sample consisted of 381 people. Statistics used in data analysis include frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Hypothesis testing using Pearson coefficient statistics, and multiple regression analysis using the Enter method with statistical significance at the .05 level. And recommendations for the researcher to use frequency distribution and description methods.

Results:  The research results found that (1) The level of personal factors of tap water users in providing waterworks services is at a low level. (2) The service level of the waterworks is at a high level. (3) Personal factors of tap water users that affect service delivery are at a low level with statistical significance at .05. some variables enter the best equation of multiple regression analysis, namely status, which can be predicted by Total 0.420 (R= 0.420).  The independent variable can explain the variation of the dependent variable equal to 17.6 percent, has a value of R2=.176, and has a value of F=8.815. This indicates that the independent variables do not affect the service of the Provincial Waterworks Authority, Phayakkhaphum Phisai Branch, Maha Sarakham Province. (4) Suggestions for improving the service development of the Provincial Waterworks Authority, Phayakkhaphum Phisai Branch, Maha Sarakham Province, is to improve service work to be convenient and fast so that water users can receive maximum benefits.

Conclusion: The study finds that although the waterworks service performs exceptionally well, the personal factors of tap water users have a significant, albeit minor, impact on service delivery. However, the independent variables don't seem to have an impact on the Provincial Waterworks Authority's overall service, indicating that improved efficiency and convenience in service delivery are necessary for the highest level of customer satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Buathong, I., Soonthorn, S. ., & Kietcharoen, S. . (2024). Personal Factors of Tap Water Users that Affect the Services Provided by the Provincial Waterworks Authority, Phayakkhaphum Phisai Branch Maha Sarakham Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(4), 939–952.


