The Effect of Organizing Learning Activities Using the KWDL Technique to Improve the Math Achievement of 3 Grade Students
Kwdl Learning Activities Technique;, Mathematics Learning AchievementAbstract
Background and Aims: Mathematics enables humans to be creative, think logically, systematically, and methodically, and be able to analyze problems or situations carefully and thoroughly. Moreover, mathematics helps students predict, plan, and make decisions to solve problems correctly and appropriately. This research aimed to 1) compare the mathematics learning achievement after studying of grade 3 students with the criterion of 70 percent and 2) compare the mathematics learning achievement of grade 3 students before and after learning.
Methodology: This research is quantitative and employs a quasi-experimental research design. One group of subjects in the study comprised 26 third-grade students from the 2022 academic year at the Demonstration School of Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage in Pathum Thani Province. The selection was conducted using cluster random sampling. The employed research instruments consisted of 1) mathematics learning management plans on problems regarding addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division by using activities management according to the KWDL Technique, 4 plans, 16 hours, and 2) a mathematics learning achievement test, 30 items. The data analysis employed statistics including percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Hypothesis testing was conducted using a dependent t-test.
Results: The results show that 1) the mathematics learning achievement of Grade 3 students after receiving learning activities using the KWDL technique had an average mathematics learning achievement score of 73.86 percent, which is higher than the specified criteria of 70 percent. and 2) The mathematics learning achievement of Grade 3 students increased significantly after engaging in learning activities using the KWDL technique, compared to their performance before the learning activities, with a statistically significant difference at the .05 level.
Conclusion: The KWDL technique effectively enhances the math achievement of the sample students by guiding them through a sequential and well-structured learning process. This approach results in higher math achievement scores post-test compared to predefined criteria.
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