A Development of Training Course for Science Teachers with the Concepts of Science Technology and Society
Training Courses;, Concepts of Science Technology and Society; , Scientific MindAbstract
Background and Aims: Creating science teacher training programs is crucial to supporting scientific literacy, elevating academic quality, and equipping students for the challenges of the twenty-first century. These courses enable educators to foster curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity in the following generation of scientists and thinkers by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge. In the end, funding teacher preparation programs is funding society's progress overall and guarantees a better future powered by research and discovery in science. Thus, this research aims to: 1) study the basic information about learning management that is based on concepts of science technology, and society for science teachers. 2) develop a training curriculum. 3) study the effectiveness of the training curriculum. And 4) evaluate the effectiveness of the training curriculum.
Methodology: The participants of the research were 25 science teachers and 400 students. This research was conducted in 4 steps: 1) study the basic information by using basic information and study questionnaire. 2) develop a training curriculum with appropriate assessment results by expert opinion. 3) implementing the training curriculum with evaluated knowledge and understandable basic information about learning management based on concepts of science technology and society for science teachers. 4) effectiveness of the training curriculum. The methods used to collect data were a questionnaire and a scientific mind test. Data analysis using mean, standard deviation statistics, and t-tests.
Results: (1) The training curriculum for science teachers with the concepts of science technology was at the highest level. (2) Training curriculum is appropriate at the highest level. (3) Results of using the training course 3.1) Teacher knowledge and understanding of learning management based on science concepts, and technology. Training is higher than before at the significant level of .05. 3.2) teachers have skills in learning management design based on science concepts and technology. Overall, science teachers were at a high level. 3.3) teachers' opinions on the quality of training curriculum overall, were at a high level. 3.4) the student’s scientific minds from the teachers that trained them in learning management with science concept technology were at a high level. (4) Course evaluation results overall, it is at the highest level.
Conclusion: According to the data, science teachers' training curricula that integrate science and technology concepts is very effective at improving teacher knowledge, skills, and student outcomes. Overall, the evaluation results demonstrate the training course's outstanding quality and impact on teachers and students, confirming its significance in furthering science education.
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