Early Childhood Small Muscle Development Meet the Art of Creating from Natural Materials
Creative Arts, Natural Materials, Small Muscles, Early ChildhoodAbstract
Background and Aims: Early childhood education is the development of children from birth to 6 years old. This period is critically important in human life according to developmental psychology, as it is considered the most crucial stage of development. Comprehensive development is based on nurturing and promoting learning processes that are natural and age-appropriate for each child. The focus is on ensuring children develop in all four aspects: physical, emotional-social, and intellectual abilities. Developing fine motor skills and interpersonal coordination are fundamental for various activities of children. This research aims to compare the fine motor skills of early childhood before and after participating in creative art activities using natural materials.
Methodology: The target group for this study includes both boys and girls in Kindergarten 2/1, currently studying in the second semester of the academic year 2567 at Udonvithaya School under the Private Education Promotion Commission, totaling 15 individuals. The tools used in this research include plans for creative art activities using natural materials and a test to measure fine motor skills, aimed at enhancing the efficient and effective development of children's fine motor skills. Statistical analysis used includes mean values, standard deviations, and percentages.
Results: (1) The percentage of early childhood children's small muscles used both before and after the experiment when they were arranged into creative art projects using natural materials was 65.03 percent. and it equaled 96.88 percent following the experiment. After the experiment, the score was more useful than it was initially. And (2) Planning artistic endeavors using organic materials. After the experiment, the early childhood children's ability to use small muscles was higher than it was before in every way. The skills of dexterity in using small muscles, the ability to control the use of small muscles, and hand-eye coordination are listed in descending order.
Conclusion: The use of small muscles increased by a significant 31.85% when early childhood children were involved in creative art projects using natural materials, indicating significant improvements in motor skills after the experiment. Moreover, the incorporation of organic materials into artistic design improved their hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and control over the use of small muscles, demonstrating a thorough development of these vital abilities.
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