Development of Medical Statistic Management in the Medical Record of Hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
Management; , Medical Records; , The Ministry of Public HealthAbstract
Background and Aims: The operation of medical statistics is of great importance globally, with initiatives led by the World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure accurate and comprehensive disease and illness statistics worldwide. This study aims to (1) investigate research issues and human resource needs to research and (2) develop medical management statistics in provincial hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand.
Methodology: The samples were 249 medical record librarians or medical statisticians and 10 medical record managers or medical record supervisors who had at least 5 years of experience in their current position. Research tools such as surveys and interviews were used to analyze means, standard deviations, t-tests, analysis of variance, and multiple comparison after the analysis of variance.
Results: 1) The majority of respondents to the questionnaire are female, aged under 30, single, holding a bachelor's degree, currently employed as a medical statistician. The specific task assigned to them by the medical registry is disease coding. The duration of their current position ranges from 1 to 5 years. 2) Medical statisticians report a high level of overall work-related problems. 3) Medical statisticians express a high level of overall job-related needs.
Conclusion: The results showed that the most common problems in medical statistics are the compilation of data and statistical reports, among which the most needed is a comprehensive summary of doctors. The research conducted during the interview found that relevant employees should be trained, and new employees should have mentors to reduce error codes. A team meeting should be held to consider the errors that need to be corrected. New doctors should be trained to understand work guidelines and write complete records. The hospital's multidisciplinary team should organize training, establish an understanding of statistical medicine work, and exchange opinions on the development of the work.
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