Developing Scientific Competency of Learners in Evaluating and Designing of Scientific Enquiry Processes of Teaching Students




Scientific Competencies; , Evaluating and Designing Scientific Inquiry Processes; , Teaching Professional Students


Background and Aims: Developing scientific competencies in process evaluation and design search Acquire scientific knowledge of students of the teaching profession. This research aims to improve the scientific competency in the assessment and design of scientific inquiry processes of teacher professional experience trainees.

Methodology: The subjects were students practicing teacher professional experience. Currently studying in Year 5, Semester 2, Academic Year 2022 General Science, Faculty of Education, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University who practice teaching in junior high schools. In Chaiyaphum province, 30 people. It is obtained by selecting specific samples. (Purposive sampling ) The characteristics of the selected sample are following the purpose of the research. The tools used in this study include 1) an Assessment of the learning management plan of teacher professional experience students, and 2) a Scientific competency assessment form for the evaluation and design of the inquiry process. The statistics used in this study include mean and standard deviation.

Results: The teacher professional experience trainees had a high level of scientific competence in assessing and designing scientific inquiry processes.

Conclusion: Developing scientific competencies in process evaluation and design Investigate the scientific knowledge of students of the teaching profession. make Teacher professional experience students have a high level of scientific competence in assessing and designing scientific inquiry processes. Therefore, it should be encouraged and encouraged to Lead the development of scientific competencies in process evaluation and design. This scientific knowledge is used in undergraduate teaching and learning in sciences related to science education.


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How to Cite

Chankian, J. ., & Auansrimueng, W. . (2024). Developing Scientific Competency of Learners in Evaluating and Designing of Scientific Enquiry Processes of Teaching Students. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(3), 1–22.


