Development of Mathematics Teaching Models According to the Theory of Knowledge Creation to Promote the Mathematical Competence of Mathayom 6 Student
Mathematics Teaching Formats; , Theory of Knowledge Creation;, Mathematics PerformanceAbstract
Background and Aims: The development of human thought is greatly aided by mathematics, which fosters creativity, and logical and systematic thought, benefits life, and raises the standard of living. (1) the first goal of this research is to create a mathematical teaching model for Mathayom 6 students that is based on the theory of knowledge creation. And (2) Examine the effects of utilizing a theory of knowledge creation-based mathematics teaching model to enhance Mathayom 6 students' mathematical proficiency.
Methodology: Three research steps make up this study. (1) Phase 1: Basic information, current conditions, and conditions for teaching mathematics are studied, along with concepts, theories, and research about models of teaching mathematics based on knowledge creation theory to enhance secondary school students' mathematical competency. Year 6 by speaking with five education specialists. (2) Phase 2: Creating a teaching model for mathematics based on the theory of knowledge creation to help students in Mathematical Competency 6 and (3) Phase 3: Testing out a model of teaching mathematics based on the theory of knowledge creation to improve Mathayom 6 students' performance in the subject. Thirty Mathayom 6 students from Thesaban 2 School in Nangrong Municipality, Nangrong District, Buriram Province participated in the model's testing as a sample group during the second semester of the academic year 2022; (1) A mathematics teaching model based on the theory of knowledge creation to support Mathayom 6 students' mathematical competency is one of the instruments used to gather data. (2) Learning Satisfaction Scale; (3) Mathematics Competency Test; and (2) Achievement Test, the t-test (Dependent), mean, percentage, and standard deviation are among the statistics used in data analysis.
Results: (1) A mathematical competency-promoting teaching model for Mathayom 6 students, based on the theory of knowledge creation. There are six parts. These include the model's goals, instructional strategies, social systems, response theories, and support networks. Four steps make up the teaching process: (1.1) Step of operation (Operation: O) (1.2) Step two: Action (Acting: A) (1.3) Step three: Knowledge creation (Creation: C), additionally, (1.4) Recapitulating the idea (Idea: C) and a high degree of appropriateness was indicated by the model's evaluation results, which had a mean of 4.47 and a standard deviation of 0.41. (2) The application of the theory of knowledge creation to the mathematics teaching model revealed that at a statistical significance of.05., students' academic achievement is higher than it was before they started studying. When Mathayom 6 students use the mathematics teaching model, their performance in mathematics exceeds the 70% threshold. Additionally, a high degree of student satisfaction has been observed with the mathematics teaching model.
Conclusion: To emphasize mathematical competency, the study presents a comprehensive teaching model for Mathayom 6 students that is based on the theory of knowledge creation. The effectiveness of the model is demonstrated by the evaluation results, which show a significant improvement in academic achievement and student satisfaction, both of which exceed the performance threshold of 70%.
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