The Relationship Between the Innovative Leadership of Administrators and the Organizational Digitization of Schools in Naku District, Affiliated with the Primary Education Service Area Office 3
Innovative Leadership; , Digital OrganizationAbstract
Background and Aims: Digitalization has changed the lives of everyone, causing people to want to receive services using technology, which has resulted in various government agencies having to transform into digital organizations which transforming into a digital organization, it means changing the way of thinking, changing the way of working, and changing the way of serving the people to achieve the goals. Therefore, this research aims to (1) Study the level of innovative leadership of school administrators in Na Khu District under the Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. (2) Study the level of digital organization of educational institutions in Na Khu District under the Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. And (3) Study the relationship between the innovative leadership of administrators and the digital organization of educational institutions in Na Khu District under the Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3.
Methodology: The sample group consisted of 135 teachers in educational institutions in Na Khu District, under the Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3, academic year 2023. It was obtained using Yamane's (1973) formula at a confidence level of 95% which allowed an error (E)±5% and used stratified and simple random sampling methods. The instrument used in the research was a questionnaire. Statistics used in the research include frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson's correlation coefficient.
Results: (1) Innovative leadership of school administrators in Na Khu District under the Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 has a high level of opinion. (2) The digital organization of educational institutions in Na Khu District under the Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 has a high level of opinion. And (3) The relationship between the innovative leadership of educational institution administrators and the digital organization of educational institutions in Na Khu District under the Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 3. Overall, there is a positive relationship at a moderate level (rXY = .656) with statistical significance at the .01 level, which is arranged in descending order: Creating an atmosphere that promotes innovative and technological organizations (rX6Y = .669), Having creativity (rX2Y= .612), Risk management and courage to change (rX5Y= . 578), Vision for change (rX1Y = .568), Having morality and ethics (rX4Y = .533), and Team leadership and participation (rX3Y = .503) with statistical significance at the .01 level.
Conclusion: The study confirms the significance of creating an environment that is supportive of innovation and technology integration by showing a significant positive correlation (rXY =.656, p <.01) between the innovative leadership of school administrators and the digital organization of educational institutions.
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