The Opinions on Good Governance Principles of the Officers of the Student Development Division at Kasetsart University
Opinions; , Good Governance Principles;, Student Development Division; , Kasetsart UniversityAbstract
Background and Objectives: Good governance principles are crucial for improving work efficiency and effectiveness. If the principles are implemented and developed, they will benefit employees and organizations at Kasetsart University's Student Development Division. The objectives of this research were to (1) measure the level of agreement on good governance practices among employees working in the Student Development Division at Kasetsart University. (2) to do a comparative study of opinions on good governance practices according to personal factors; (3) to study the correlation between opinions on good governance and factors on knowledge and understanding of good governance; and (4) to study the correlation between opinions on good governance and factors on the perception of good governance through various media.
Material and Method: Using questionnaires as a data collection instrument, 127 employees from the Student Development Division at Kasetsart University made up the study sample groups. Frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-Way ANOVA LSD, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient are among the statistics used in data analysis. The 0.05 threshold is used to indicate statistical significance.
Results: The findings revealed that employees working in the Student Development Division at Kasetsart University significantly agreed with the good governance principles. The hypothesis testing results revealed that, despite differences in gender, age, and average monthly income, staff members have similar views on good governance practices. However, different educational levels of employees have different opinions on the principles of good governance. Moreover, there is a low correlation between opinions on good governance and factors on knowledge and understanding of good governance (r =0.36). There is also a low correlation between opinions on good governance and factors on the perception of good governance through various media (r = 0.39).
Conclusion: in general, employees working in the Student Development Division at Kasetsart University significantly agreed with the principles of good governance. Out of 6 aspects of the study, it is found that the public participation aspect has the lowest average. Therefore, employees should be trained to use websites and LINE channels as a platform for students to voice their opinions and assess how satisfied they are with the service. Employees should treat coworkers fairly, equally, and honestly, as well as maintain transparency and organize documentation systematically for easy management, to ensure that the organization's operations run smoothly.
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