Development Marketing Strategies of Thai Vocational Education Institutions
Marketing Strategies;, Vocational Education Institutions; , 7Ps of MarketingAbstract
Background and Aims: Marketing strategies of vocational education institutions in Thailand focus on growth and self-improvement to establish a strong presence in the market and compete in various professions. These institutions must utilize marketing strategies to offer attractive proposals that meet customers' needs. This is achieved using the 7Ps of marketing (Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, Physical) to design vocational education courses that align with the labor market's requirements, thereby increasing opportunities to enter the workforce and sustain growth in the future. Additionally, understanding the target audience's needs and creating appropriate communication media is essential in increasing interest in the courses offered.
Methodology: This study studied relevant academic documents and presented them descriptively according to the objectives.
Results: Marketing strategies of Thai vocational education institutions can be carried out according to the 7P's marketing strategy concept, consisting of (1) Curriculum (Programs) (2) Tuition (Price) (3) Place (Place) (4) Public relations (Promotion) (5) Personnel (6) Production processes (Processes) and (7) Physical environment (Physical facilities)
Conclusion: By following the thorough framework of the 7Ps marketing strategy concept, Thai vocational education institutions can effectively shape their marketing strategies. To achieve their goals, this calls for close attention to the curriculum, costs, placement, promotion, staff, procedures, and physical facilities.
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