Model of Quality Management and Educational Standards of Classroom Level, Waeng Yai Wittayakhom School in Khon Kaen Secondary Education Service Area Office
Management Model; , Educational Quality;, Educational StandardsAbstract
Background and Aims: Research on management models for quality and educational standards at the classroom level at Waeng Yai Witthayakhom School, Khon Kaen Secondary Educational Service Area Office. To be used in developing and promoting teachers' learning management along with systematic learning management and classroom-level educational management standards to provide the greatest benefit to learners. The purpose of this research is to 1) Study the problem conditions, causes of the problems, and solutions to the academic achievement of students at Waeng Yai School. 2) Study the necessary needs of quality management and educational standards at the classroom level at Waeng Yai Witthayakhom School. 3) Develop a model for managing quality and educational standards at the classroom level at Waeng Yai School. And 4) Study the results of the experiment using the quality management model and educational standards at the classroom level at Waeng Yai Witthayakhom School.
Methodology: This research is operations research (Operations Research). The population includes 41 teachers, and 603 students at Waeng Yai Witthayakhom School, academic year 2018-2020. The tools used in the research include (1) Academic achievement record form. (2) Questionnaire about current conditions and desired conditions. (3) Interview form about management. (4) Assessment of suitability and feasibility of the model. (5) Handbook for managing quality and educational standards at the classroom level. (6) Evaluation form for the development of management of educational quality and standards. And (7) Satisfaction questionnaire. Statistics used include percentages, averages, and standard deviations.
Results: (1) The academic achievement of students is low. The solution to the problem of student academic achievement consists of promoting curriculum development and teaching and learning, teacher and personnel development, student quality development, and participatory organization management and leadership. (2) The current condition of quality management and educational standards at the classroom level is overall at a moderate level.
The desired conditions for developing quality management and educational standards at the classroom level are overall at the highest level. The need index for developing quality management and educational standards at the classroom level is 0.55 (PNImodified=0.55). (3) The model for developing the management of educational quality and standards consists of 5 elements, namely; 1) Principles and reasons, 2) Purpose, 3) Components of management of educational quality and standards, 4) Method of operation of the model, 5) Measurement and evaluation. The overall model is appropriate at the highest level, the feasibility of the overall model is at the highest level, and the usefulness of the overall model is at the highest level. And (4) The results of the experiment using the model for developing quality management and educational standards found that; 1) The results of quality management and educational standards after the experiment were at the highest level, higher than before the experiment, overall, at a moderate level. 2) Academic achievement in 8 learning subject groups found that after the trial of using the model for developing quality management and educational standards, academic achievement was higher than before the trial. And 3) Satisfaction with the development model for quality management and overall educational standards is at the highest level.
Conclusion: The results of the research concluded that the model was developed with elements and procedures to develop quality management and educational standards. Appropriate As a result, teachers and personnel have been continuously developed to be ready to carry out student quality development activities.
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