The Role of Chamab Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Developing the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Chamab Subdistrict, Wangnoi District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayuthaya Province
Role of Subdistrict Administrative Organization; , Quality of Life; , ElderlyAbstract
Background and Aims: Thailand has truly entered an aged society since 2005, which has resulted in agencies related to elderly development establishing policies to improve the quality of life for the elderly. These policies assign a significant role to local administrative organizations in implementation. According to the elderly statistics report for Chamab Subdistrict in the fiscal year 2023, there was an increase to a total of 787 elderly individuals. However, current operations lack a clear framework. Therefore, this research aims to (1) study the needs of the elderly in Chamab Subdistrict, Wangnoi District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province, (2) examine the role of the Chamab Subdistrict Administrative Organization in caring for the elderly, and (3) generate recommendations to enhance the quality of life for the elderly in Chamab Subdistrict, Wangnoi District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province.
Methodology: This qualitative research was conducted using in-depth interviews with administrators and officials responsible for promoting the quality of life for the elderly, health workers in Chamab Subdistrict, and individuals aged 60 and above, totaling 20 participants. The tool used was an interview guide with probing questions to facilitate deep conversations. The data collected from these conversations were then analyzed through content analysis.
Results: (1) The needs of the elderly in Chamab Subdistrict include health, psychological, and social needs. (2) The role of the Chamab Subdistrict Administrative Organization in caring for the elderly encompasses: 1) providing health services, 2) promoting employment/income/welfare benefits for the elderly, 3) fostering community living, and 4) managing the system for quality of life development. (3) Recommendations for promoting the development of the elderly's quality of life in Chamab Subdistrict include: 1) establishing policies to elevate the development of the elderly's quality of life, integrating with other agencies to find continuous development strategies, 2) allocating budgets to cover all aspects of the elderly's quality of life development, 3) conducting home visits to check basic health, and 4) disseminating information comprehensively throughout the subdistrict.
Conclusion: The study draws attention to the various needs—social, psychological, and health—that the elderly in Chamab Subdistrict have. It highlights the role played by the Chamab Subdistrict Administrative Organization in meeting these needs by providing health services, promoting employment and welfare, integrating the community, and managing quality of life. It also makes recommendations for budget allocation, policy creation, home visits, and extensive information sharing in order to ensure ongoing improvement.
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