A Study of the Role of School Administrator to Create Team in the New Normal Era under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kalasin
Team Building; , New Normal; , School AdministratorsAbstract
Background and Aims: The new normal is a new lifestyle that is different from the past due to the COVID-19 outbreak crisis, the practice patterns that people in society are familiar with must be changed to a new normal under new and unfamiliar standards. The current teaching and learning arrangement is also the same, for all learners, they must rely on many factors, including the readiness of technology and the readiness of teachers to organize new teaching methods to make teaching and learning effective. However, educational institution administrators must have teamwork principles that are consistent with the new normal era and can draw on the knowledge and abilities of team members to share and work together to perform duties to the utmost ability to make operations in the educational institution successful. This research aims to 1) study the components of the role of the school administrator to create a team in the new normal era 2) study the level of the role of the school administrator to create a team in the new normal era 3) compare the role of the school administrator to create a team in the new normal era classified by management experience and school size.
Research Methods: The research is divided into 2 phases: (1) Studying the elements of the role of school administrators in building teams in the new normal era, where the researcher chose 9 experts and qualified informants obtained by purposive sampling. The instrument was the interview was used to collect the complete details of information. (2) Study and compare the role of school administrators in team building in the new normal era, where the population of this research was 55 administrators under the secondary educational service area office Kalasin. The instrument was a 5-rating scale questionnaire. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
Results: (1) The role of the school administrator in creating a team in the new normal era consists of 7 roles: 1) clear objectives, 2) cooperation and creative use of conflict, 3) operational aspect, 4) communication, 5) leadership, 6) Information technology use, and 7) in terms of building morale and encouragement. (2) The role of the school administrator in creating a team in the new normal era under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kalasin overall, is at a high level. (3) The comparison of the role of the school administrator to create a team in the new normal era classified by management experience was the difference. (4) The comparison of the role of school administrators to create teams in the new normal era classified by school size was the difference.
Conclusion: (1) School administrators have allowed teachers and personnel to participate in setting policies and guidelines, which will result in increased morale and morale for teachers and personnel in their work, have a sense of ownership take pride in the work that has been done, be diligent Eager to create creative work to advance further. (2) When conflicts arise, school administrators can face conflict problems constructively and beneficially to the school. (3) School administrators have always created and developed teamwork so that each person sees the importance of the work and the collective interest more than the importance of the individual, working atmosphere working environment rewards are fair, equal, and supported by co-workers. (4) School administrators communicate openly with teachers and personnel, by exchanging news with each other, and providing opportunities for teachers and personnel to express their opinions and feelings, which will create good understanding among each other. (5) School administrators develop teachers and personnel to have leadership skills based on their knowledge, abilities, and suitability for the job until the school becomes competitive and can produce new work, leading to development all the time. (6) School administrators play a role in developing the information system within the school to be up-to-date and able to use it effectively. And (7) School administrators know how to maintain morale and morale in schools to achieve effective work performance.
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