Research and Development of Art Learning Module Curriculum based on Postmodern Art Concept to Enhance Metacognition and Creativity for Elementary School Students
Curriculum; , Module; , Postmodern Art;, Metacognition; , CreativityAbstract
Background and Aims: Metacognition is a key factor in improving learning, which can be developed well in elementary education. The process of artistic creation can enhance metacognition. Therefore, the researcher has developed an art learning module curriculum based on postmodern art concepts to enhance metacognition and creativity for elementary school students. The research had two objectives as follows. 1) To study and analyze basic data for curriculum development, and 2) To develop the curriculum.
Methodology: The research methodology was divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 was to study and analyze basic data. This phase was divided into the following steps. 1) Studying and analyzing data from documents. 2) Studying and analyzing data from individuals by interviewing two school administrators and seven art teachers. A semi-structured interview was used as a tool for the research. 3) Inquiring about opinions and evaluating the metacognitive abilities of 244 students. A survey and metacognition evaluation form were used as tools for the research. The data analysis involved analyzing data using means and standard deviations. Phase 2 was to develop the curriculum. This phase was divided into the following steps. 1) Developing the curriculum, and 2) Identifying the quality of the curriculum using focus group discussions with seven experts. The data analysis involved analyzing the content.
Results: 1) The results of the study and the analysis of basic data from students' opinions towards art learning were at a high level, and the metacognitive abilities of the students were at a moderate level. Art learning module curriculum based on postmodern art concept to enhance metacognition and creativity for elementary school students consisted of the following components: 1) Objectives, 2) Content, 3) Learning, 4) Learning Media, and 5) Evaluation. The results of the curriculum quality evaluation showed that the art learning module curriculum based on postmodern art concepts to enhance metacognition and creativity for elementary school students was at a high.
Conclusion: The art learning module curriculum based on the postmodern art concept to enhance metacognition and creativity for elementary school students consisted of the following components: 1) Objectives, 2) Content, 3) Learning, 4) Learning Media, and 5) Evaluation. Art learning module based on postmodern art concepts to enhance metacognition and creativity for elementary school students consisted of the following components: 1) Objectives, 2) Pre-Learning Test, 3) Learning Activities, 4) Post-Learning Test, And 5) Evaluation. The key principles of postmodern art are as follows. 1) The value of art lies in ideas. 2) The value of art lies in the creative process. 3) Artwork is related to daily life. and 4) Art is interconnected with nature and the environment. Metacognition has two main components. The first component is metacognitive knowledge which consists of the following subcomponents: 1) knowledge of person variables, 2) knowledge of task variables, and 3) knowledge of strategy variables. The second component is metacognitive experience which consists of the following subcomponents: 1) Information Management, 2) Planning, 3) Regulation, and 4) Evaluation. Finally, creation consists of the following steps. Step 1, Record interesting things that ignite inspiration. Step 2, gathering relationships of information. Step 3, processing experiences and concepts. Step 4, planning the creation. And step 5, creating.
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