A Study of Priority Need for the Document Storage System Management in the Education Institutions under Lampang Primary Educational Service Area Office 2
Priority Needs; , Document Storage SystemAbstract
Background and Aims: The goal of Lampang Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 is to enhance the system for collecting archival data in order to make it more effective. The objectives of this research were 1) to study the current and desired condition regarding the document storage system management in the education institutions under Lampang primary educational service area office 2, and 2) to study a priority need for the document storage system management in the education institutions under Lampang primary educational service area office 2.
Methodology: The research utilizes a descriptive research approach, collecting data from a population of 213 individuals through a questionnaire engaging a proportional rating scale with 5 levels. Data analysis involves basic statistics such as means (µ), standard deviation (σ), and the PNImodified index.
Results: The document storage system management in the education institutions under Lampang Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, had an overall current status with a high average value. The desired state also revealed a high average value. When considering specific aspects of the current status, the area with the highest average value was performance evaluation, which was at a high level. Following that was planning with an average value at a high level, and the implementation of plans with an average value at a high level, in that order. Similarly, when evaluating specific aspects of the desired state, the area with the highest average value was performance evaluation, which was at a high level. Following that was planning with an average value at a high level, and the implementation of plans with an average value at a high level respectively. In addition, a study of the priority need for the document storage system management in the education institutions under Lampang Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The top priority is as follows: Implementation (PNImodified = 0.120), Planning (PNImodified = 0.111), And Evaluation (PNIImodified = 0.108).
Conclusion: The result shows that Lampang Primary Educational Service Area Office 2's educational institutions' document storage system management is currently operating at a high level, with both the desired state and the current status indicating strong performance in areas like planning, performance evaluation, and plan implementation. Additionally, the study highlights areas that should receive priority attention for improvement, stressing the significance of concentrating on implementation, planning, and assessment to improve the efficacy and efficiency of document storage system management.
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