Guidelines for Developing Academic Leadership for School Administrators Under the Office of Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area 2
Guidelines for Developing; , Academic leadership; , School administratorsAbstract
Background and Aims: Visionary leadership is the ability of a leader to thoroughly understand the organization's circumstances, and clearly define the roles and direction of the organization. The capacity to disseminate ideas that inspire employees to embrace them and lead the organization towards the appropriate and fitting direction and ready to embrace changes and competition that arise. School administrators are considered crucial individuals for the development of the organization. Because administrators are the ones driving the organization toward its desired direction efficiently and effectively. Therefore, this research aims to study the current desirable state and the priority need of academic leadership for school administrators under the Office of Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area 2 and to study the guidelines for developing academic leadership for school administrators under the Office of Maha Sarakham primary educational service area 2
Methodology: The research procedures were divided into two phases. The first stage was to study the current, the desirable state, and the priority need of academic leadership for school administrators, The sample group consists of 310 individuals, comprising 83 school administrators and 227 teachers, by stratified random sampling. The research instrument was a rating scale a 5-level questionnaire, with an index of item objective congruence is 0.80 - 1.00, and A reliability is 0.96. The discriminatory power is between 0.35 - 0.75. The statistics used for data were analyzed by mean, and standard deviation. The second stage was the study of the guidelines for developing academic leadership for school administrators. The key informant group comprises 9 experts for study guidelines and 7 experts for assessment of the development guideline. The research instrument was a semi-structured interview form and assessment form the suitability and feasibility of development guideline
Results: 1. The overall current situation is generally at a high level, with the desired overall condition being at the highest level. The index of ranking priority needs rank ranges from 0.30 - 0.34, Rank from high to low level was cooperation, 1) Curriculum management 2) Supervision and development of internal quality assurance systems 3) Learning management 4) Development of media and learning resources 5) Assessment and research measurement. 2. The guidelines for developing academic leadership for school administrators consist of 24 guidelines, follows: 5 guidelines for curriculum management, 4 guidelines for supervision and development of internal quality assurance systems, 4 guidelines for Learning management, 4 guidelines for development of media and learning resources and 5 guidelines for assessment and research measurement. The results of the evaluation of the suitability and feasibility of development guidelines overall were at the highest level.
Conclusion: The academic leadership of educational administrators is the ability to guide school personnel to collaborate effectively until the goals of the educational institution are achieved. In particular, academic work, which is the most crucial aspect of educational management, ensures the efficiency of education administration in educational institutions. School administrators need to have a deep understanding and knowledge of the content scope and principles of academic management to be effective, curriculum management, instructional management, internal Supervision, educational assessment and evaluation, and quality assurance in education.
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