Development Guidelines for Visionary Leadership of School Administrators under the Office of Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area 3
Guidelines for Developing; , Visionary Leadership; , School AdministratorsAbstract
Background and Aims: Visionary leadership is the ability of a leader to thoroughly understand the organization's circumstances, and clearly define the roles and direction of the organization. The capacity to disseminate ideas that inspire employees to embrace them and lead the organization towards the appropriate and fitting direction and ready to embrace changes and competition that arise. School administrators are considered crucial individuals for the development of the organization. Because administrators drive the organization toward its desired direction efficiently and effectively. Therefore, this research aims to study the current desirable state and the priority need for the visionary leadership of school administrators under the office of Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area 3 and to study the guidelines for developing visionary leadership of school administrators under the office of Maha Sarakham primary educational service area 3
Methodology: The research procedures were divided into two phases. The first stage was to study the current desirable state and the priority need of visionary leadership of school administrators, The sample group consists of 285 individuals, comprising 40 school administrators and 245 teachers, by stratified random sampling. The research instrument has a reliability index of 0.80 - 1.00. The current condition has a confidence value of 0.93. The discriminant power ranges from 0.38 to 0.75, The desired condition has a confidence value of 0.94. The discriminant power ranges from 0.36 to 0.74. The statistics used for data were analyzed by mean, and standard deviation. The second stage was the study of the guidelines for developing visionary leadership of school administrators. The target groups include 3 schools for visiting best practices for studying the development guidelines and 7 experts for evaluating guidelines. The research instrument was evaluated from the guidelines' suitability and feasibility by analyzing data by finding the mean and standard deviation.
Results: 1) The current state of visionary leadership of school administrators overall was moderate level average and the desirable state overall was in the highest level. The index of ranking priority need rank ranges from 0.37 to 0.41. 2) The guidelines for developing visionary leadership qualities among school administrators consist of 39 guidelines, categorized as follows: 11 guidelines for vision creation, 9 guidelines for vision dissemination, 10 guidelines for vision implementation, and 9 guidelines for Good role models. These guidelines are highly suitable and feasible overall, as well as in each specific aspect.
Conclusion: Visionary leadership among school administrators is the behavioral manifestation of their perspective on the successful image of the educational institution resulting from their managerial efforts aimed at achieving predetermined goals. Comprising essential components, including 1) Vision Creation, 2) Vision Dissemination, 3) Vision Implementation, and 4) Good role model.
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