A Study of the New Normal Educational Management Skills of School Administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kalasin
Educational Management Skills; , New Normal EraAbstract
Background and Aims: Arranging education to fit the new normal period has increased the importance of technology and creativity in the classroom. Since many educators have become accustomed to working remotely using technology, there has been a shift in how teachers and students behave when utilizing it for distance learning, and using technology for learning has become the new standard. ensuring that every learner receives the most benefit from their education. Thus, this research aims to 1) study the components of educational management skills in the new normal era of school administrators, 2) study the level of educational management skills in the new normal era of school administrators, 3) compare the level of educational management skills in the new normal era of school administrators under the Kalasin Secondary Education Area Office classified by school size, and 4) compare the level of educational management skills in the new normal era of school administrators under the Kalasin Secondary Education Area Office classified by management experience.
Methodology: The research study is divided into 2 consecutive phases: Phase 1 attended by qualified nine key informants was obtained by specific selection. The instruments used in the research were structured interviews 9 expert qualified informants were obtained by purposive sampling. The instrument was the interview was used to collect the complete details of information. Phase 2, where the population of this research was 55 administrators under the secondary educational service area office Kalasin. The instrument was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
Results: (1) The new normal educational management skills for school administrators consists of 6 skills: 1) effective communication skills, 2) skills for building sustainable community relationships, 3) creative thinking and problem-solving skills, 4) skills in using technology, digital media, and management innovation. 5) skills in emotional intelligence and a positive attitude, and 6) English language skills. (2) The new normal educational management skills of school administrators overall were at the highest level. (3) The comparison of new normal educational management skills of school administrators classified by school size was the difference. And (4) The comparison of new normal educational management skills of school administrators classified by management experience was the difference.
Conclusion: the field of educational administration has changed to emphasize a diverse set of abilities necessary for surviving the "new normal." In addition to adjusting to variations in school size and management experience, administrators need to possess exceptional communication, technological, and emotional intelligence skills. This sophisticated knowledge highlights the necessity of customized approaches to address the various demands of educational leadership in the fast-paced world of today.
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