Aidelaisi Silk Designing Based Luopu Tourism Souvenir Marking




Aidelaisi Silk; , Tourism Souvenir; , Marketing


Background and Aims: In the international context of the combined development of intangible cultural heritage and tourism, the study mainly focuses on the marketing of Aidelaisi silk tourist souvenirs. Aidelaisi silk technique, an intangible cultural heritage technique of the Chinese Hui nationality, is a traditional textile binding and dyeing technique on the ancient Silk Road. Thus, the objectives of the research are to strengthen and improve the knowledge of Aidelaisi silk; to effectively market and promote traditional Uyghur Aidelaisi silk production techniques; to design tourist guides and Aidelaisi silk tourist souvenirs that are consistent with and reflect the unique tourist identity of Luopu. In this way, the protection and innovative development of traditional Aidelaisi silk skills can be promoted sustainably.

Methodology: This research adopts qualitative, field surveys and interviews, and other descriptive and interpretive research methods. The theoretical basis of this research includes the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Properties (ICCROM), Australia’s Prague Charter 1999, and Heritage Quality, among others.  

Results: The promotion of Luopu Aidelaisi Silk's heritage gains momentum through strategic initiatives like expanding marketing channels and optimizing souvenir design. For coordination and promotion to be effective, a collaborative framework involving government agencies, academics, producers, and consumers is essential. Through the integration of digital technologies and the utilization of all-media platforms, Aidelaisi Silk's visibility has increased, leading to a greater level of recognition and increased participation in its conservation and development efforts.

Conclusion: The heritage of Luopu Aidelaisi silk is being elevated through deliberate actions like expanding marketing channels and improving souvenir designs. Working together with stakeholders and making use of digital tools is essential to raising awareness and encouraging involvement in its conservation and development.


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How to Cite

Kaewbucha, M., & Mao , H. (2024). Aidelaisi Silk Designing Based Luopu Tourism Souvenir Marking. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(3), 813–836.


