Retaining ASEAN Migrant Labor (from Myanmar Cambodia and Laos) of Inland Fisheries Enterprise After the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19): A Case Study of Freshwater Fish Farm Owners in Chachoengsao Province, Thailand
Retaining Labor; , ASEAN Migrant Labor; , Fisheries Enterprise;, Job Satisfaction; , Retention in EnterprisesAbstract
Background and Aims: This study examines migrant worker retention practices in freshwater fisheries, one of the businesses affected by the shortage of migrant workers returning to their homeland or being laid off during the coronavirus pandemic. The objective is to analyze labor retention and satisfaction with the probability of persistence in the workplace and the correlations between factors that impact the retention of ASEAN migrant labor and job satisfaction and retention probability of labor in enterprises. The study presents barriers and guidelines for retaining ASEAN migrant laborers in freshwater fish farms in the Chachoengsao province.
Methodology: This is a mixed methodology research design. The data was collected by interviewing 15 freshwater fish farm owners and collecting questionnaires from migrant workers. 124 participants analyzed the data with content analysis and multiple linear regression analysis using the Stepwise method.
Results: The results of the study show that retaining ASEAN migrant labor depends on several factors, including recruitment and selection of migrant workers, training in teamwork skills, maintaining occupational health and safety, improving the quality of life of labor, managing payment and welfare programs, and motivating morale at work. The research also found factors for maintaining migrant workers, emphasizing giving freedom to work and deciding to change jobs. The study also found that recruitment and selection, maintaining occupational health and safety, improving the quality of work life for labor, managing payment and welfare programs, and motivating morale and encouragement at work are correlated with job satisfaction by 73%. Furthermore, the retention probability of labor in enterprises is correlated with maintaining occupational health and safety, improving the quality of work life for labor, and motivating morale and encouragement at work by 47%.
Conclusion: The study proposes guidelines for retaining migrant workers to relevant parties, For migrant retention in freshwater fish farming, owners must possess specialized knowledge, be creative, and maintain good relationships with partners. The public sector and related agencies should adjust employment policies, promote marketing activities, and support learning and new technologies for owners.
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