The Results of Using Board Games in Learning Instruction Based on Gamification in Vocabulary Topic the Traveling by Plane to Improve English Vocabulary Retention Ability of Vocational Certificate Students
Game board; , Gamification; , Ability to Remember; , Subdistrict Administrative OrganizationAbstract
Background and Aims: Organizing learning activities that give students motivation to learn vocabulary should be learner-focused teaching, allowing students to play a role in participating in the learning process, teachers have to find teaching materials that are consistent with learning management to lead to their goals. Therefore, this study has the following objective; (1) To create and find efficiency in using board games with learning activities along the lines of gamification on traveling by plane to develop the ability to remember English vocabulary for students at the vocational certificate level to have efficiency according to the 80/80 criteria. And (2) To study the results of developing the ability of students at the vocational certificate level to memorize English vocabulary after studying by using board games together with learning activities according to gamification on traveling by plane by comparing with the 80 percent criteria or not?
Methodology: The sample was the 3rd year vocational certificate students, tourism majors, Nakhon Lampang Technical College, studying in the academic year 2023, 1 room, a total of 5 people, obtained by purposive selection. The tools used in the research include (1) Two learning management plans based on gamification along with board games. (2) Test about traveling by plane lesson. (3) English vocabulary recognition ability assessment form. (4) Board games. Statistics used for analysis are percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test statistics.
Results: (1) Creating and finding the efficiency of using board games in conjunction with learning activities according to gamification on traveling by plane for developing the ability to remember English vocabulary for 3rd-year vocational certificate students in the tourism industry category (E1/E2), it was found that the field test of 5 students had a value equal to 82.67/83.00. (2) Third-year vocational certificate students in the tourism industry category who use board games in conjunction with learning activities according to gamification regarding air travel can remember English vocabulary after studying is higher than the 80% threshold, with statistical significance at the 0.01 level.
Conclusion: Using board games together with learning activities based on gamification promotes English vocabulary learning among vocational certificate students. Their scores during study and after study are quite high. This results in the efficiency of the board game being high as well, as evidenced by the average score of English vocabulary recognition ability after studying being higher than the specified criteria.
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