Organizational Culture and Strategic Management Affecting Performance Results the Operational Efficiency of Office of Public Prosecutors Region 4


  • Maitree Natiwiriyakul Public Administration Program, Faculty of Management Science, Sakon Nakhon Rajbhat University, Thailand
  • Sanyasorn Swasthaisong Public Administration Program, Faculty of Management Science, Sakon Nakhon Rajbhat University, Thailand
  • Lamai Romyen Public Administration Program, Faculty of Management Science, Sakon Nakhon Rajbhat University, Thailand



Organizational Culture; , Strategic Management; , Stock Exchange of Thailand


Background and Aims: One of the most important factors affecting organizational effectiveness and management success is organizational culture. In addition, strategic management is another factor that affects the success of the organization's management. Strategic management is systematic management that relies on the vision of the organization's leaders as a component and relies on Step-by-step planning. Thus, the purposes of the study included the following: 1) To Study the Level of the Organizational Culture and Strategic Management and Performance results in the Operational Efficiency of Office of Public Prosecutors Region 4 2) To study the influence of the Organizational Culture and Strategic Management and Performance results in the Operational Efficiency of Office of Public Prosecutors Region 4.

Methodology: The sample group consisted of 278 personnel of the Prosecutor's Office Region 4 using a stratified sampling method. Using a questionnaire as a tool in collecting data Statistics used in data analysis include frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and multiple regression analysis.      

Results: (1) The overall organizational culture of the Office of Public Prosecutors Region 4 Overall, was at a high level, the strategic management of the Office of Public Prosecutors Region 4 Overall, was at a high level, and the performance of the Office of Public Prosecutors Region 4 Overall, was at a high level. (2) Organizational culture variables can together predict the level of performance of Office of Public Prosecutors Region 4  at 53.50 percent (R2Adj=.535) with statistical significance at the .01 level. When considering the sub-components of organizational culture variables, it was found that the variables with The highest regression coefficient were mission culture (β=.554), followed by participatory culture (β=.354), unity culture (β=.224), and adaptive culture (β=.188), respectively. (3) The strategic management variables can together predict the performance level of the Office of Public Prosecutors Region 4 at 85.50 percent (R2Adj=.855) with statistical significance at the .01 level when considering the sub-components of the strategic management variables. It was found that the variables with the highest regression coefficients were strategy implementation (β=.560) and environment monitoring (β=.484), respectively, except for the strategy formulation variable. and strategic control and evaluation.

Conclusion: The assessment of the Office of Public Prosecutors Region 4 indicates a positive organizational environment characterized by high levels of overall organizational culture, strategic management, and performance. The study highlights the significant predictive role of mission culture in the organizational culture domain and emphasizes the importance of strategy implementation and environment monitoring in strategic management. These results underscore the integrated influence of organizational culture and strategic management on the overall performance of the Office of Public Prosecutors Region 4, suggesting a robust and well-aligned organizational framework.


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How to Cite

Natiwiriyakul, M., Swasthaisong, S. ., & Romyen, L. . (2024). Organizational Culture and Strategic Management Affecting Performance Results the Operational Efficiency of Office of Public Prosecutors Region 4. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(2), 487–506.


