The Guidelines for Development the Servant Leadership of School Administrators under the Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 3




Guidelines for Development; , Servant Leadership; , School Administrators


Background and Aims: School administrators who follow the concept of servant leadership will give importance to and recognize the value of co-workers and will pay attention to developing the potential of co-workers. Ignore personal interests to get what others want and help others develop, to grow. Therefore, this research aims to study the current state, the desirable state, and the priority needs and study the guidelines for the development of the servant leadership of school administrators under the Mahasarakham primary educational service area office 3.

Methodology: The research is divided into 2 phases: Phase 1 studies the current state, desirable state, and the priority needs of servant leadership of school administrators, A sample group of 280 school administrators and teachers, was randomly selected using a stratified sampling method. The research instrument is a questionnaire with a 5-level with a confidence value of 0.93 and data analysis by mean and standard deviation. phase 2 study of the guidelines for the development of servant leadership of school administrators. The key informant group comprises 3 best practice schools and 9 experts for assessment of the development guideline. The research instrument was a semi-structured interview form and assessment form the suitability and feasibility of development guideline

Results: 1. The current state overall was high level; desirable state overall was the highest level. The priority needs ranked from high to low level were humility, service, awareness, empowerment, and human development dedication, respectively. 2. The guidelines for the development of servant leadership of School administrators include 5 elements 1) principle 2) purpose 3) content 4) development process and 5) measurement and evaluation. The results of the evaluation of the suitability and feasibility of development guidelines overall were at the highest level.

Conclusion: The servant leadership style of school administrators involves fulfilling responsibilities with an understanding and practice of prioritizing the needs of others over one's own, placing the benefits of others above personal gains, and adding value to the development of others. This is done for the needs of others and the decentralization of power. The key components include: humility, service, awareness, empowerment, and human development dedication


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How to Cite

Anpanya, K. ., & Phoojomjit , P. . (2024). The Guidelines for Development the Servant Leadership of School Administrators under the Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(2), 241–258.


