Develop Digital Media for Presenting and Promoting Local Cultural Tourism in Wiang Kao District, Khon Kaen Province




Developing Digital Media; , Public Relations; , Local Cultural Tourism Destinations


Background and Aims: Cultural tourism resources are the basis of cultural tourism development and play an important role in selecting tourist destinations. Therefore, it needs to be strong enough to attract tourists to that region.  The research aims to: 1) Develop digital media for cultural tourism promotion in Wiang Kao District, Khon Kaen Province. 2) Evaluate the effectiveness and analyze the satisfaction outcomes of digital media in presenting learning information for promoting local cultural tourism in Wiang Kao District, Khon Kaen Province.

Methodology: This mixed-method research gathers data from three digital media development experts to guide content design and digital media development. The target group comprises 50 individuals, using interviews and questionnaires to assess effectiveness and satisfaction. Statistical analysis includes inferential statistics such as percentages, means, and standard deviations.

Results: the results of the evaluation of digital media effectiveness from experts revealed Overall effectiveness rated highly at a quality level, Clear presentation in videos, Relevant visuals to the content, Engaging motion graphics at a high-quality level, and Analyzing user satisfaction with the digital media used for promoting learning about local cultural tourism showed Overall user satisfaction rated highly, Media appropriateness for tourism promotion rated highest, Clear text, colors, understandable presentation, and audience interest in local cultural tourism also scored highly, Appropriateness of language used scored well in terms of satisfaction.

Conclusion:  Digital media effectiveness assessment by experts reveals high overall quality. The presented videos are clear, align with the content, and exhibit interesting motion graphics. User satisfaction analysis for cultural tourism promotion through digital media indicates a high overall satisfaction level. The media is well-suited for tourism promotion, featuring clear typography, colors, and easily understandable content. Viewers show high interest and satisfaction with the presented local cultural tourism, praising the appropriate language use.


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How to Cite

Dornpinij, P., Hampituk , S. ., & Taowklang, K. . (2024). Develop Digital Media for Presenting and Promoting Local Cultural Tourism in Wiang Kao District, Khon Kaen Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(1), 823–834.