Educational Institution Administration Toward Excellence




Administration, Educational Institution, Excellence


Background and Aims: Educational institutions need to be effectively managed to foster an environment that supports both high academic achievement and personal development to guarantee that students receive a high-quality education. Effective management also enhances resource allocation, curriculum implementation, and staff morale, all of which contribute to the institution's overall excellence and reputation. This paper aims to collect concepts and principles of educational administration towards excellence. Content from various reliable sources has been analyzed, reasoned, and written academically.

Methodology: This study is a study of concepts, theories, and academic documents. The content is analyzed and then presented descriptively according to the objectives.

Results: The administrator of education who elevates the quality of the educational establishment, there must be 10 important principles, consisting of 1) The organization's leader must have a clear vision, 2) Focusing on learning as the core, 3) Organizational learning, 4) Giving value to teachers, personnel, and participants, 5) Agility, enthusiasm, 6) Looking to the future, 7) Managing for innovation, 8) Public/social responsibility, 9) Focusing on results and creating value, and 10) Systemic management.

Conclusion: Administrators must abide by ten fundamental principles, such as having a clear vision, emphasizing core learning, and valuing all stakeholders, to improve the quality of educational institutions. Together, these values create a progressive, creative, and goal-oriented atmosphere that guarantees systemic and long-term quality in education.


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How to Cite

Saelim, T. ., Kokkasam, W. ., & Woranit, A. . (2025). Educational Institution Administration Toward Excellence. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 5(1), 329–340.