Academic Management Strategies to Improve Learning Achievement of Students at Nong Kung Sri Wittayakarn School Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Office
Strategy; , Academic Administration; , Learning AchievementAbstract
Background and Aims: A structured environment that improves student learning and attends to individual needs is created by effective academic management strategies, which boosts performance and promotes overall academic success. Schools can systematically accomplish educational goals through the use of data-driven decision-making, targeted interventions, and ongoing teacher development. The paper aims to create, experiment, and evaluate academic management strategies to raise the learning Achievement of students at Nong Kung Sri Wittayakarn School. Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Office. There are three steps in the research method: (1) Develop a strategy by reviewing and evaluating the content of the document, speaking with experts, and having seven experts review and validate the plan's appropriateness and viability. Assessments, focus groups, and interviews were the research's instruments. (2) At Nong Kung Sri Witthayakhan School, Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Office, with teachers and educational personnel and 959 students in grades 1-6, experiment with academic management strategies to raise the learning Achievement of students in the academic year 2021. (3) Assess instructional strategies to improve students' academic performance at Nong Kung Sri Witthayakhan School from 49 educators in the academic year 2021. Standard deviation and mean are the statistics used. and provide an overview of the data.
Results: (1) There have historically been four directions in educational administration strategy to improve students' learning Achievement at Nong Kung Sri Witthayakhan School, Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Center: (1.1) strategic resources to develop learning achievement, five strategies, and strategy Improving the standard of instruction, Methodology. (1.2) Improving the caliber of pupils and methodology, (1.3) Developing instructors and methods of instruction. Methodology, (1.4) Creating educational materials and media. Methodology, (1.5) Fostering community involvement in learning. Additionally, learning Achievement in four learning subject groups—mathematics, science, social studies, religion and culture, and foreign languages—represents direct results (Output) from development. (2) Findings from an experiment at Nong Kung Sri Wittayakarn School that used academic management techniques to improve students' academic performance. The Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Office discovered that students exceeded the goal by achieving an overall learning Achievement score of 71.80 in the 2022–2023 school year. and the mean has risen. Based on the 1.2 average score for the academic year 2021. The following are the outcomes of applying the strategy: (2.1) The school curriculum is appropriate and in line with the local area, according to the findings of the academic quality development. Students can select from a range of additional courses based on their aptitude. Skills and Passions Instructors design a lesson plan that lets students practice the material until they can sum it up on their own. (2.2) Students' developed abilities were discovered by the student quality development results. Take initiative to educate yourself. Study as a group Discuss ideas in order to learn from each other. Make it a habit to read studies Possess the capacity for critical thought, analysis, differentiation, and questioning in order to learn more. Present your work and learn with technology. possess the capacity for analytical thought Reach your maximum potential by developing yourself following your interests and abilities. and content with what they've learned. (2.3) Teachers set goals for the quality of their students, according to the findings of their professional development. Examine each student individually Create and arrange instruction to take into account students' unique learning styles and stages of intellectual growth. Utilize the right technology to organize your learning. Develop yourself, measure and assess using a variety of techniques, and apply your knowledge to teaching and learning. (2.4) The development of learning resources and media revealed that there was an adequate supply of innovative media and educational materials. Schools are making improvements to their surroundings and educational materials to make learning more enjoyable. To plan teaching and learning activities, teachers create media and educational innovations and use a greater amount of media. (2.5) The outcomes of community involvement in education organizing revealed that pertinent individuals contributed to the establishment of educational institutions, resource mobilization, and a range of school-related activities. (3) Overall, there was a high degree of feasibility, appropriateness, and usefulness in the evaluation of academic management strategies to raise students' learning Achievement.
Conclusion: The implementation of strategic academic management techniques at Nong Kung Sri Witthayakhan School, including resource development, instructional improvement, student caliber enhancement, teacher development, and community involvement, has effectively raised student learning Achievement. These tactics helped the 2022–2023 school year surpass previous targets and show notable improvement, with an overall learning Achievement score of 71.80.
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