The Effect of Music Rhythm and Movement Activities to Promote Physical Development of Young: Early Children
Music Rhythm and Movement Activities; , Physical Development of Young Children; , Rhythmic Pacing StudentAbstract
Background and Aims: The researcher sees the importance of physical development and therefore organizes activities that give children the opportunity to perform basic movements combined with creative movement activities that emphasize physical development in balancing skills, walking, running, and jumping. The children can move their bodies freely according to their imagination and ideas, using various equipment. Includes movement of every part of the body. Therefore, this research aimed to compare the physical development of young children before and after organizing music rhythm and movement activities.
Methodology: The target group by purposive sampling was 15 young children, aged 5-6 years old, from Jinchengjiang Aitong Kindergarten in the 2023 academic year. The tools used in this research are Activity plans, music rhythms, and movements. Physical development assessments for young children include balance skills, walking skills, running skills, and jumping skills. The Pre-Experimental Design was used for assessment. The statistics were the average scores, standard deviation, and progress percentage.
Results: The research finding indicated that after organizing the activities, the physical development of young childhood had 31.93 average scores and 2.97 standard deviations higher than 24.46 average scores and 4.70 standard deviations before participating in the activities. The percentage of progress was 84.55.
Conclusion: This research proves that rhythm and movement activities have a positive effect on the physical development of early childhood children. The mean development value increased significantly from 24.46 before the activity to 31.93 after the activity. As a result, we understand the effectiveness of such activities in promoting children's physical development. In addition, the variability of the data was noted. The percentage of progress with a high value of 84.55% clearly shows the higher efficiency of activities in the physical development of early childhood children.
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