Solid Waste Management Operations of the Lum Sum Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Kanchanaburi Province




Management; , Solid Waste;, Lum Sum Subdistrict


Background and Aims: Population growth is a major problem throughout the world. This comes with an increasing problem of solid waste as well. Therefore, management of the amount of solid waste is another important problem that many local administrative organizations face which affects the environment and the quality of life of people in society directly The objectives of this research are 1) to study the solid waste management operations of the Lum Sum Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Kanchanaburi Province, and 2) To recommend operations in solid waste management of Lum Sum Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Kanchanaburi Province.

Methodology: The sample group included the community population of Lum Sum Subdistrict, Sai Yok District, Kanchanaburi Province, a total of 368 people, using random sampling. Research tools Including questionnaires Analyze data by researching documents and analyzing field research.

Results: (1) The opinions regarding solid waste management operations of the Lum Sum Subdistrict Administrative Organization Kanchanaburi Province In terms of campaigning for public participation, In terms of garbage collection and transport, and terms of garbage disposal. (2) There should be a solution to the campaign for people to participate by creating a one-day waste bank and making recycled waste clothes. In terms of collecting and transporting solid waste, it should be supported to organize a system for collecting solid waste within households and setting up a schedule for collecting and transporting solid waste. In terms of solid waste disposal, training should be provided to the population regarding solid waste disposal by making compost from solid waste, the Lum Sum Subdistrict Administrative Organization should provide opportunities for people to participate in solving problems at a greater level.

Conclusion: Solid waste management of Lum Sum Subdistrict Administrative Organization Kanchanaburi Province There is a need for improvement in the campaign for public participation by recommending the creation of one-day waste banks and recycled waste cloths. Including supporting the household waste collection system and training the population in waste disposal. In addition, there should be opportunities for citizens to participate in solving the problem of solid waste at a greater level.


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How to Cite

Kumthanom, K., Chamthong , K. ., & Suthawan, J. . (2024). Solid Waste Management Operations of the Lum Sum Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Kanchanaburi Province . Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(1), 671–686.