A Systematic Literature Review Using Artificial Intelligence and Fake News Detection





Artificial Intelligence;, Natural Language Processing; , Fake News


Background and Aims: The Thai population uses the internet in large numbers as a medium for receiving news. Fake news is distributed on social media in large numbers. Artificial intelligence was born. Computers can learn on their own and be able to infer what humans have created. is natural language processing Analyzing various data and creating models from that data using machine learning. The purpose of this article is 1) To study methods and models for detecting fake news using artificial intelligence. 2)To propose guidelines for using artificial intelligence to detect fake news.

Methodology: The literature review is Transparent and by scientific principles, which can be proven repeatedly, the researchers therefore adopted a process of systematically reviewing the literature. Applied to this research is divided into 3 steps: 1) define the search issues, 2) review the literature and check the quality of the research, and 3) synthesize the information to summarize into a body of knowledge. The criteria for considering literature will be considered sequentially, divided into 4 sequences: 1) Research published within the last 5 years 2) Considering the names of literature, coming directly to the topic of artificial intelligence fake news. and natural language processing 3) Literature is in English format 4) Consider literary abstracts The criteria for consideration include detecting fake news using artificial intelligence processes and considering the full literature Therefore, a study was conducted from research on detecting fake news with artificial intelligence, a total of 10 cases.

Results: The artificial intelligence can detect fake news correctly, it is highly satisfactory at more than 90 percent and has guidelines for using artificial intelligence to detect fake news. However, the researcher has an observation. Data analysis used in computer teaching will always fit that model, but on social media, there is news happening every second. Therefore, it is necessary to study and develop artificial intelligence to detect fake news. More to detect fake news with up-to-date artificial intelligence.

Conclusion: Artificial intelligence can detect fake news with an accuracy of more than 90%, and there are guidelines for using artificial intelligence to detect fake news. However, the use of data in teaching computers must be based on the nature of the model. And because news on social media happens every second, further development of artificial intelligence to detect fake news in a timely manner is necessary.


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How to Cite

Kedthawon, S. (2024). A Systematic Literature Review Using Artificial Intelligence and Fake News Detection. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(1), 603–616. https://doi.org/10.60027/iarj.2024.273480