Transformational Leadership of Administrators of Phrapariyattidham School of General Education Department Area 11
Leadership; , Transformational Leadership; , Phrapariyattidham School on General Education DepartmentAbstract
Background and Aims: Transformational leadership is the process by which leaders influence co-workers or followers. By changing the condition or changing the effort of co-workers or followers to be higher. Develop the abilities of co-workers or followers to a higher level and have more potential. The purposes of this research were to 1) Study the transformational leadership of Phrapariyattidhamma School administrators, general division, Area 11, and 2) Compare the transformational leadership of administrators of Phrapariyattidhamma School, General Department, Area 11, classified by educational level and work experience.
Methodology: It is quantitative research. The population used in the research includes 321 teachers of Phrapariyattidhamma School, General Department, Area 11, Academic Year 2566, a sample size of 178 people using the stratified sampling method Research tools include questionnaires. Statistics used in data analysis include frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, F-test, and t-test.
Results: (1) Transformational leadership of Phrapariyattidhamma School administrators General Education Department, Area 11, overall is at a high level with an average of 4.137. When considering each aspect, it is found that every aspect is at a high level. The averages were ordered from highest to lowest, with the aspect with the highest average being individuality consideration, with an average of 4.53, followed by the aspect of inspiration, with an average of 4.34, and the aspect with the lowest average. In terms of intellectual stimulation, the average was 4.23. And (2) Teachers have opinions about the transformational leadership of school administrators. Results of comparative analysis of opinions on transformational leadership among school administrators. Classified by education level and work experience overall and each aspect is not different.
Conclusion: The administrators of Phrapariyattidhamma School, General Education Department, Area 11, have transformational leadership with a high average (4.137) in all aspects, such as considering individuality (4.53) and teachers have undifferentiated opinions on this leadership,
Both educational level and work experience
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