The Development of Basic Mathematics Skills of Early Childhood Children by Organizing Learning Experiences According to the High Scope Concept




High Scope; , Basic Mathematics Skills; , Early Childhood


Background and Aims: Basic mathematical skills arise from experiences and learning that occur in a child's environment. They learn through observing, comparing, matching, categorizing, comparing, sorting, measuring, positioning, and counting. These are activities that children do in their daily lives, causing children to develop thoroughness in thinking and to use logical thinking and problem-solving. It is also an important basis for preparing to study mathematics at a more complex level. The objectives of this research were: 1) To investigate the basic mathematics skills of early childhood children who received learning experiences based on the High Scope concept. 2) To compare the basic mathematics skills of early childhood children before and after participating in learning experiences aligned with the High Scope concept.

Methodology: The target group under study comprises second-year early childhood students in semester 1 of the academic year 2023 at Khok Lamphan Witthaya School. The research tools included 10 learning experience plans based on the High Scope concept and a test designed to measure the basic mathematics skills of early childhood children. Data were analyzed using the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentage, and t-test.

Results: 1) The average scores of basic mathematics skills for early childhood children before organizing learning experiences according to the High Scope concept accounted for 34.20 percent. After organizing learning experiences based on the High Scope concept, this percentage increased significantly to 82.40%. 2) The basic mathematics skills of early childhood children improved after the learning experiences. This improvement was statistically significant at the .05 level.

Conclusion: The development of basic mathematics skills in early childhood significantly improved through the organization of learning experiences based on the High Scope concept, both as a whole and in each specific area.


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How to Cite

Saoraksa, N. . (2024). The Development of Basic Mathematics Skills of Early Childhood Children by Organizing Learning Experiences According to the High Scope Concept. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(1), 535–548.