Leadership in The Digital Age of School Administrator under the Nakhonratchasima Secondary Education Service Area Office
Leadership Status; , Digital Leadership; , Educational AdministratorsAbstract
Background and Aimes: Digital leadership is the skill that leaders in the digital age must possess to effectively lead organizations, utilizing new technologies to manage operations and steer the organization towards successful and efficient outcomes. The objectives of this study are: 1) to study the digital leadership status of educational administrators affiliated with the Secondary schools' educational office in Nakhon Ratchasima province, and 2) to compare the digital leadership status of educational administrators affiliated with the Secondary school's educational office in Nakhon Ratchasima province based on educational level and school size. It is quantitative research.
Methodology: The population used in the research was 2,763 teachers of schools under the Nakhon Ratchasima Secondary Education Area Office in the academic year 2023 and 337 samples using the preliminary sampling method. The research tools used included questionnaires and statistical methods for data analysis, such as frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, F-test, and t-test.
Results: 1) the overall digital leadership status of educational administrators is at a high level, and 2) there is a statistically significant difference in the opinions regarding the digital leadership status of educational administrators based on educational level and school size at the .05 significance level.
Conclusion: the research reveals a high overall level of digital-era leadership among educational administrators. Furthermore, the analysis comparing perceptions of digital-era leadership based on education levels shows no significant differences, but statistically significant distinctions emerge when considering the size of educational institutions at the .05 significance level.
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