Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction Khok Si Suphan Hospital, Khok Si Suphan District Sakon Nakhon Province
Organizational Image; , Service Quality; , Service Recipients’ SatisfactionAbstract
Background and Aims: Service quality is an important strategy that will result in the overall impression of the service receiver and satisfaction with the service. Therefore, executives and personnel are involved. Therefore, it is necessary to give importance and attention to developing the quality of service to be of quality, efficiency, and development to continuously provide excellent service quality. Thus, the purposes of this research included the following: 1) To study the level of organizational image, service quality, and service recipients’ satisfaction of Khok Si Suphan Hospital, 2) To investigate the Influences of the organizational image on the service recipients’ satisfaction of Khok Si Suphan Hospital, 3) To explore the influences of the service quality on the service recipients’ satisfaction of Khok Si Suphan Hospital, and 4) To obtain and suggest guidelines on developing the organizational image, service quality, and service recipients’ satisfaction of Khok Si Suphan Hospital.
Methodology: The sample group consisted of 385 people who received services from Khok Si Suphan Hospital. The questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting the data and the statistics employed for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis.
Results: The study revealed these results: 1) The overall organizational image of Khok Si Suphan Hospital was at a high level. Similarly, both the service quality and the service recipients’ satisfaction of Khok Si Suphan Hospital, as a whole, were also at the high levels. 2) Regarding the organizational image, these factors impacted on the service recipients’ satisfaction of Khok Si Suphan Hospital, Sakon Nakhon Province. They could be used jointly for the prediction of service recipients’ satisfaction level of Khok Si Suphan Hospital 73.90%. It was written into a multiple regression equation in the form of standard scores. ZY = .351*(IM1)+.502**(IM2) 3) As for the service quality, these factors influenced on the service recipients’ satisfaction of Khok Si Suphan Hospital, Sakon Nakhon Province these factors could be used for the prediction of service recipients’ satisfaction level of Khok Si Suphan Hospital 81.50%. It was written into a multiple regression equation in the form of standard scores. ZY=170**(SQ1)+430**(SQ2)+088*(SQ3)+180**(SQ4)+155**(SQ2) 4) Several guidelines on improving the organizational image, service quality, and service recipients’ satisfaction of Khok Si Suphan Hospital were suggested from the investigation. The hospital should emphasize how important it is for the personnel to be service-minded, candid/honest, transparent, and enthusiastic when functioning in their jobs. The buildings, rooms, and hospital compound should be managed and maintained appropriately to provide convenience, comfort, adequate space, tidiness, and order for the service recipients. To enable the efficiency and good performance of the hospital, the organization which takes charge of policy establishment should set the policies on creating Khok Si Suphan Hospital’s quality control system. The service pattern should be improved and designed to become quick, punctual, simple, and accessible.
Conclusion: Khok Sri Suphan Hospital in terms of image, service quality, and satisfaction of service recipients is at a high level. Factors affecting satisfaction can be predicted at 73.90-81.50 percent, and development guidelines should emphasize service spirit, Honesty, transparency, appropriateness, and quality control.
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