Development of Teaching Methods to Promote Critical Thinking Skills and Scientific Concepts of Students Mathayom 1




Critical Thinking Skills; , Scientific Concepts; , Phibun Mangsahan School


Background and Aims:  Science teaching has an important goal, which is to make students understand the principles and theories that are the basis of science so that students have knowledge and understanding about the nature of science, and technology that can be used to benefit themselves and society. The objectives of this research are: (1) developing an instructional model to promote critical thinking skills and scientific concepts. (2) Studying the results of using an instructional model to promote critical thinking skills and scientific concepts. And (3) to evaluate the development of teaching models to promote critical thinking skills and scientific concepts.

Methodology:  The research process is divided into 4 phases: Phase 1 Study of basic information on science learning management concepts. Theories related to scientific concepts teaching and learning management and critical thinking skills. Phase 2 Developing a teaching model to promote critical thinking skills and scientific concepts of Mathayom 1 students. Phase 3 Experiment with teaching methods to promote critical thinking skills and scientific concepts of Mathayom 1 students. Phase 4 Evaluating the development of teaching models to promote critical thinking skills and scientific concepts of Mathayom 1 students. The sample group consisted of 40 Mathayom 1 students at Phibun Mangsahan School, Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Administrative Organization. The tools used to collect data include a teaching model to promote critical thinking skills and scientific concepts of Mathayom 1 students, a science concept scale, a critical thinking skills test, and a learning satisfaction measure. Statistics used in data analysis include mean, percentage, standard deviation, and t-test statistics.

Results:  Teaching model to promote critical thinking skills and scientific concepts. It was found that the results of the evaluation of the suitability of the model had a mean of 4.43 and a standard deviation of 0.49, which is at a high level of appropriateness. (2) Using an instructional model to promote critical thinking skills and scientific concepts makes students have higher critical thinking skills after studying than before, at a statistical significance of .05. Students' science concepts after studying were higher than before studying at a statistical significance of .05. And students are satisfied with learning at a high level. (3) Results of the evaluation of the development of teaching models to promote critical thinking skills and scientific concepts. Overall, teachers' opinions were at the highest level.

Conclusion: it was found that using a teaching model that promotes critical thinking skills and scientific concepts has good results with a high mean of appropriateness. And students who use this model have higher critical thinking skills and scientific concepts. Increase satisfaction in learning. The teachers had very high opinions about the development of this teaching model at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Khamthanu , K. (2024). Development of Teaching Methods to Promote Critical Thinking Skills and Scientific Concepts of Students Mathayom 1 . Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(1), 247–266.