Developmental Guidelines for Elderly with Dependency at The Health Promoting Hospital of Ban Ton Phueng Sub-district, Ton Phueng Sub-district, Phang Khon District, Sakon Nakhon Province
Dependency Elderly Person; , Care GuidelineAbstract
Background and Aims: Now Thailand is entering an aging society completely. However, with the problem encountered with aging such as physical and mental health problems, the body deteriorates and suffer from chronic illness until one becomes and dependent aging person. This research aimed to study the developmental guidelines for the elderly with dependency at the Health Promoting Hospital of Ban Ton Phueng Sub-district, Ton Phueng Sub-district, Phang Khon District, Sakon Nakhon Province.
Methodology: This study was action research using the process of PDCA. The sample was the dependent elderly people 25 cases. The study was implemented from July to October 2023. The process of the study included 1) Plan: studying and analyzing problems, and designing guidelines for dependency elderly people, 2) Do: implementing the guidelines, 3) Check; evaluating after implementing the guidelines and 4) Act: improving and developing the guidelines. Analyzed qualitative data with content analysis and using descriptive statistics with quantitative data.
Result: The finding problems were immobilization in 7 cases, incontinence of urine in 10 cases, staying home alone in 1 case, the problem of dwelling and environment in 1 case, the need to register for a disabled person in 2 cases, missing doctor’s appointments in 3 cases, the problem of using drugs 3 cases, over intake caffeine 1 case and there was no transport to go to the hospital 1 case. The developmental guidelines for the elderly with dependency consisted; of designing a care plan with case management, improving the skill of the caregiver, and coordinating with a multidisciplinary health care team to visit the elderly dependency cases to assess immobilized case/ physical therapy/check drugs and clarifying how to us drugs with doctor order/health education about nutrition therapy, support transporting case with necessary to go to hospital, using telemedicine system support for case who miss doctor’s appointment, cleaned the house and environment, support necessary medical equipment and elderly pampers. The satisfaction for guidelines of elderly with Dependency cases was high level.
Conclusion: Developing guidelines for caring for dependent elderly people according to the community context that is consistent with the problems and needs of dependent people, It requires work with strong community participation to make the operation successful.
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